Six Plays eBook

Florence Henrietta Darwin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 324 pages of information about Six Plays.

Six Plays eBook

Florence Henrietta Darwin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 324 pages of information about Six Plays.

Maggie. [Fearfully.] O don’t, Miss Jessie, for goodness sake.

Emily. [Viciously.] I’ll soon put an end to anything in that quarter.

Thomas.  Now, Emily—­take it quiet.  Why, we shall have Clara upon us before us knows where we are.

Emily. [Folding the curtains.] I’ll settle her too, if she comes before I’m ready for her.

Robin. [Pointing through the open.] There’s George, coming with the basket.

[George comes into the room.  He carefully rubs his feet on the mat as he enters.  Then he advances to the table.  Maggie dries her eyes with the back of her hand.  Jessie is standing with her arm in Maggie’s.

Emily.  Well, and where have you been all this while, I’d like to know?

George.  To Brook Farm, mam, and home.

Emily.  You’ve been up to some mischief on the way, I warrant.

Thomas.  Come, Emily.

[George looks calmly into EMILY’S face.  Then his gaze travels leisurely round the room.

George.  I was kept waiting while they did pluck and dress the chicken.

Emily. [Lifting the cloth covering the basket, and looking within it.] I’d best have gone myself.  Of all the thick-headed men I ever did see, you’re the thickest.  Upon my word you are.

George.  What’s wrong now, mistress?

Emily.  ’Taint chicken at all what you’ve been and fetched me.

George.  I’ll be blowed if I do know what ’tis then.

Emily.  If I’d been given a four arms and legs at birth same as th’ horses, I’d have left a pair of them at home and gone and done the job myself, I would.  And then you should see what I’d have brought back.

George.  You can’t better what I’ve got here.  From the weight it might be two fat capons.  So it might.

Emily. [Seizing the basket roughly.] Here, Mag, off into the pantry with them.  A couple of skinny frogs from out the road ditch would have done as well.  And you, Jess, upstairs with these clean curtains and lay them careful on the bed.  I’ll put them to the windows later.

Thomas.  George, my boy, did you meet with any one on the way, like?

Emily.  You’d best ask no questions if you don’t want to be served with lies, Thomas.

George. [Throwing a glance of disdain at Emily.] Miles Hooper and Farmer Jenner was taking the air ’long of one another in the wood, master.

Thomas.  Miles Hooper and Luke a-taking of the air, and of a weekday morning!

George.  That they was, master.  And they did stop I —

Emily.  Ah, now you’ve got it, Thomas.  Now we shall know why George was upon the road the best part of the day and me kept waiting for the chicken.

Project Gutenberg
Six Plays from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.