Six Plays eBook

Florence Henrietta Darwin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 324 pages of information about Six Plays.

Six Plays eBook

Florence Henrietta Darwin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 324 pages of information about Six Plays.

[Maggie, wiping a plate comes from the back kitchen.

Maggie.  Was you calling, mistress?

Emily.  What’s this you’ve got saying to Miss Jessie, I should like to know.

Jessie. [Running to Maggie and laying her hand on her arm.] Dear Maggie, ’tis only what you did tell about poor mother’s tongue being in the vinegar jar.

Maggie.  O Miss Jessie.

Emily.  Hark you here, my girl—­if ’twasn’t hay time you should bundle up your rags and off with you this minute.  But as ’tis awkward being short of a pair of hands just now, you’ll bide a week or two and then you’ll get outside of my door with no more character to you nor what I took you with.

Thomas.  Come, come Emily.  The girl’s a good one for to work, and that she is.

Emily.  Be quiet, Thomas.  This is my business, and you’ll please to keep your words till they’re wanted.

Maggie.  O mistress, I didn’t mean no harm, I didn’t.

Emily.  I don’t want no words nor no tears neither.

Maggie. [Beginning to cry loudly.] I be the only girl as have stopped with you more nor a month, I be.  T’others wouldn’t bide a day, some of them.

Emily.  Be quiet.  Back to your work with you.  And when the hay is all carried, off with you, ungrateful minx, to where you came from.

Jessie.  O let us keep her always, Mother, she’s kind.

Robin.  Don’t you cry, Mag.  I’ll marry you when I’m a big man like

Thomas.  Harken to them, Emily!  She’s been a good maid to the children.  I’d not part with any one so hasty, if ’twas me.

Emily. [Very angrily.] When I want your opinion, Thomas, I’ll ask for it.  Suppose you was to go out and see after something which you do understand.

Thomas.  O I’ll go down to the field fast enough, I can tell you.  ‘Twas only being hungered as drove me into the hornets’ nest, as you might say.

Emily. [Ironing fiercely.] What’s that?

Thomas.  Nothing.  I did only say as I was a-going back to the field when George do come home.

Emily.  There again.  Did you ever know the man to be so slow before.  I warrant as he have gone drinking or mischiefing down at the Spotted Cow instead of coming straight home with they chicken.

Thomas.  Nay, nay.  George is not the lad to do a thing like that.  A quieter more well bred up lad nor George never trod in shoes.

Emily [Glancing at Maggie.] What are you tossing your head like that for, Maggie?  Please to recollect as you’re a lazy, good-for-nothing little slut of a maid servant, and not a circus pony all decked out for the show.

Jessie.  Maggie’s fond of Georgie.  And Georgie’s kind to Mag.

Project Gutenberg
Six Plays from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.