Six Plays eBook

Florence Henrietta Darwin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 324 pages of information about Six Plays.

Six Plays eBook

Florence Henrietta Darwin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 324 pages of information about Six Plays.

Elizabeth.  And what next, I should like to know?

Millie.  ’Tis only a drink of water that I’m asking for.

Daniel.  Well, that’s reasonable, Mother, bain’t it?

Elizabeth.  Run along and get some for your cousin, May. [May runs out of the room.

Daniel.  Come you here, Andrew, did you ever see a wench to beat ourn in looks, I say?

Andrew. [Who has remained near Annet without moving.] ’Tis very fine that Millie’s looking.

Daniel.  Fine, I should think ’twas.  You was a fine looking wench, Mother, the day I took you to church, but ’tis my belief that Millie have beat you in the appearance of her same as the roan heifer did beat th’ old cow when the both was took along to market.  Ah, and did fetch very near the double of what I gived for the dam.

[May returns carrying a glass bowl full of water.

May.  Here’s a drink of cold water, Millie.  I took it from the spring.

[Millie takes the bowl.  At the same moment a loud knocking is heard at the outside door.

Elizabeth.  Who’s that, I should like to know?

[Millie sets down the bowl on the table.  She listens with a sudden intent, anxiety on her face as the knock is repeated.

Daniel.  I’ll learn anyone to come meddling with me on a day when ’tis marrying going on.

[The knocking is again heard.

Millie. [To may, who would have opened the door.] No, no.  ’Tis I who will open the door.

[She raises the latch and flings the door wide open.  Giles disguised as a poor and bent old man, comes painfully into the room.

Elizabeth.  We don’t want no beggars nor roadsters here to-day, if you please.

Daniel.  Ah, and that us don’t.  Us be a wedding party here, and ’tis for you to get moving on, old man.

Millie.  He is poor and old.  And he has wandered far, in the heat of the morning.  Look at his sad clothing.

Andrew. [To Annet.] I never heard her put so much gentleness to her words afore.

Millie.  And ’tis my wedding day.  He shall not go uncomforted from here.

Elizabeth.  I never knowed you so careful of a poor wretch afore, Millie.  ’Tis quite a new set out, this.

Millie.  I am in mind of another, who may be wandering, and hungered, and in poor clothing this day.

May.  Give him something quick, Aunt, and let him get off so that we can start for the wedding.

Millie. [Coming close to Giles.] What is it I can do for you, master?

Giles.  ’Tis only a drink of water that I ask, mistress.

Millie. [Taking up the glass bowl.] Only a drink of water, master?  Then take, and be comforted.

Project Gutenberg
Six Plays from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.