Six Plays eBook

Florence Henrietta Darwin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 324 pages of information about Six Plays.

Six Plays eBook

Florence Henrietta Darwin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 324 pages of information about Six Plays.

Daniel.  Why, ’tis me as’ll do it, to be sure.

Elizabeth.  Very well, Father, and we shall all be much obliged to you.

[Daniel goes to the door and shouts up the stairs.

Daniel.  Well, Millie, my wench.  Come you down here.  ’Tis time we did set out.  Do you hear me, Mill.  ’Tis time we was off.

[Elizabeth waits listening.  No answer comes.

Daniel.  Don’t you hear what I be saying, Mill?  Come you down at once. [There is no answer.

Daniel.  Millie, there be Andrew a-waiting for to take you to church.  Come you down this minute.

Elizabeth.  You’d best take sommat and go and break open the door, Father.  ’Tis the sensiblest thing as you can do, only you’d never think of anything like that by yourself.

Daniel.  I likes doing things my own way, Mother.  Women-folk, they be so buzzing.  ’Tis like a lot of insects around of anyone on a summer’s day.  A-saying this way and that—­whilst a man do go at anything quiet and calm-like. [Annet comes in.

Annet.  Please, Uncle, Millie says that she isn’t coming down for no one.

Daniel. [Roaring in fury.] What!  What’s that, my wench—­isn’t a-coming down for no one?  Hear that, Mother, hear that?  I’ll have sommat to say to that, I will. [Going to the door.

Daniel. [Roaring up the stairs.] Hark you, Mill, down you comes this moment else I’ll smash the door right in, and that I will.

[Daniel comes back into the room, storming violently.

Daniel.  Ah, ’tis a badly bred up wench is Millie, and her’d have growed up very different if I’d a-had the bringing up of she.  But spoiled she is and spoiled her’ve always been, and what could anyone look for from a filly what’s been broke in by women folk!

Elizabeth.  There, there, Father—­there’s no need to bluster in this fashion.  Take up the poker and go and break into the door quiet and decent, like anyone else would do.  And girls—­off for your bonnets this moment I tell you.

[She takes up a poker and hands it to Daniel, who mops his face and goes slowly out and upstairs.  Annet and may leave the room.  The farmer is heard banging at the door of Millie’s bedroom.

[Elizabeth moves about the room setting it in order.  Andrew comes in at the door.  He carries a bunch of flowers, which he lays on the table.

Andrew.  Good-morning to you, mistress.

Elizabeth.  Good-morning, Andrew.

Andrew.  What’s going on upstairs?

Elizabeth.  ’Tis Father at a little bit of carpentering.

Andrew.  I’m come too soon, I reckon.

Elizabeth.  We know what young men be upon their wedding morn!  I warrant as the clock can’t run too fast for them at such a time.

Project Gutenberg
Six Plays from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.