Liz. Bain’t we going to get a drink too?
Jane. Seems as though master have been and forgot we.
Jeremy. [Starting up and going to the kitchen.] If I’ve been and forgot you two old women, I’ve remembered myself. Be blowed if I can get through any more of this foolishness without a wet of my mouth.
[He goes out.
Rose. [Speaking faintly.] Does it show upon
my face, the crying,
Robert. [Looking at her.] No, no, Rose, your eyes be brighter nor ever they were.
Rose. [Pushing the forget-me-nots yet further away.] Those flowers are dying. My fancy ones were best.
Kitty. [Coming forward with the orange blossoms.] Here they are, dear Rose.
Rose. [Taking them.] O how beautiful they do look. I declare I can smell the sweetness coming out from them, Robert.
Robert. All the orange blossom in the world bain’t so sweet as one kiss from your lips, Rose.
Rose. Now is that truly so?
Robert. Ah, ’tis heavy work a-waiting for the coach, Rose.
John. [Coming forward and taking Mary’s hand.] And yours won’t be the only marriage Rose-Anna. Did you never think that me and Mary might —
Kitty. [Running forward.] But I did—O so many times, John. [Jeremy enters with Lubin and Isabel.
Jeremy. Servants be comed back. Man was to the Red Bull, I count. Female a-washing and a-combing of herself in the barn.
Rose. [Coldly.] I don’t care whether they be here or not. Set them to work, Jerry, whilst we are to church.
Liz. That’s it, Master Jeremy. I was never so put out in my life, as when sister did keep on ringing and the wench was not there to help us on with our gowns.
[Rose and Robert get up and go towards the door. They pause before Lubin and Isabel.
Rose. The man puts me in mind of someone whom I knew before, called Lubin. I thought I had a fancy for him once—but ’twasn’t really so.
Robert. And the girl do favour a little servant wench from Framilode.
Rose. [Jealously.] You never went a-courting with a servant wench, now did you, my heart’s dearest?
Robert. Never in all my days, Rose. ’Twas but the fanciful thoughts of a boy towards she, that I had.
Rose. [Putting her arm in Robert’s.] Well, we have nothing to do with anything more of it now, dear Robert.
Robert. You’re about right, my true love, we’ll get us off to the church.
Jeremy. Ah, coach have been waiting a smartish while, I reckon. ’Tis on master as expense’ll fall.
[Rose and Robert with cold glances at Lubin and Isabel, pass out of the door.