Six Plays eBook

Florence Henrietta Darwin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 324 pages of information about Six Plays.

Six Plays eBook

Florence Henrietta Darwin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 324 pages of information about Six Plays.

Jane.  To be sure, mister.

Jeremy. [Haughtily.] I bain’t one for parlours, nor charms, ma’am. 
I be here for another purpose.

[They leave the room.

Jeremy. [Having watched the party out, moves towards the cider jug.] Now, my man, now, my wench—­us’ll see what can be done with the victuals and drink they’ve been and left.  ’Tis a fair heavy feed and drink as I do need.  Sommat as’ll lift me up through all the trials of this here foolish matrimony and stuff.

[He raises the jug of cider to his mouth as the Curtain falls.

Act III.—­Scene 1.

The next morning.  Robert’s cousins are standing by the fire-place of the same room.

Liz.  ’Tis powerful unhomely here, Jane.

Jane.  And that ’tis.  I wish as Robert had never brought us along of him.

Liz.  She’s a stuck-up jay of a thing what he’s about to wed if ever
I seed one.

Jane.  That her be.  He’ll live to wish hisself dead and buried one day.

Liz.  There bain’t but one sensible tongue in the whole place to my mind.

Jane.  Ah, he’s a man to anyone’s liking, sister.

Liz.  ’Tis homelike as he do make I to feel among all these strangers.

Jane.  Here he comes.

[Jeremy with a yoke and two pails stands at the doorway.

Liz.  Now do you come in, mister, and have a bit of talk along of we.

Jane.  Set down them pails and do as sister says, Mister Jeremy.

[Jeremy looks them all over and then slowly and deliberately sets down his pails.

Liz.  That’s right, sister and me was feeling terribly lonesome here this morning.

Jane.  And we was wishing as we’d never left home to come among all these stranger folk.

Liz.  Not that we feels you to be a stranger, dear Mister Jeremy.

Jane.  You be a plain homely man such as me and sister be accustomed to.

Jeremy.  Anything more?

Liz.  I suppose you’ve put by a tidy bit—­seeing as you be of a certain age.

Jane.  Although your looks favour you well, don’t they, sister?

Liz.  To be sure they do.

Jane.  And I reckon as you could set up a home of your own any day, mister.

Jeremy. [Pointing through the window.] See that there roof against the mill?

Liz.  Indeed I do.

Jeremy.  That’s where I do live.

[Both sisters move quickly to the window.

Jane.  A very comfortable looking home indeed.

Liz.  I likes the looks of it better nor this great old house.

Jane. [Archly.] Now I daresay there’s but one thing wanted over there, Mister Jeremy.

Project Gutenberg
Six Plays from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.