Six Plays eBook

Florence Henrietta Darwin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 324 pages of information about Six Plays.

Six Plays eBook

Florence Henrietta Darwin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 324 pages of information about Six Plays.

Jeremy.  I have, mistress.  Whilst they was a packing up the poultry in my basket.  Down at the Bull.

Rose.  What sort of a maid is it?

Jeremy.  Ah, ’tis for you to tell me that, mistress, when you’ve had her along of you a bit.

Rose.  And the man?

Jeremy.  Much the same as any other male.

Rose. [Impatiently.] Do you step outside, John, and have a look at them, and if they’re suitable bring them in and we’ll set them about their work.

[John goes out.  Kitty peers through the window.

Jeremy.  I reckon I can go off and feed the hilts now.  ’Tis the time.

Rose.  Feed the hilts!  Indeed you can’t do no such thing.  O I’m mad with vexation that nothing is well ordered or suitably prepared for Mr. Robert and his fine cousins from Bristol town.  Whatever will they say to such a house when they do see it?

Jeremy.  I’m sure I don’t know.

Kitty. [From the window.] I see the new servants.  John is bringing them up the walk.  The man’s face is hid by his broad hat, but the girl looks neat enough in her cotton gown and sun-bonnet.

[John comes into the room, followed by Lubin and IsabelLubin shuffles off his hat, but holds it between his face and the people in the room.

Jeremy. [Pointing to them and speaking to rose.] There you are, mistress—­man-servant and maid.

Rose.  What do we know about them?  Folk picked up by Jerry at the Red Bull.

Jeremy.  No, from the roadside.

Rose.  Worser far.

John.  No, no, Rose.  These young persons were spoken for by Mary Meadows.  And ’tis rare fortunate for we to obtain their services at short notice like this.

Rose. [To Isabel.] What are you called, my girl?

Isabel. [Faintly.] Isabel is my name, but I’d sooner you called me

Rose.  And that I will.  My tongue is used to Lucy.  The other is a flighty, fanciful name for a servant.

Kitty.  And what is the man called, John?

Lubin. [Harshly.] I am called William.

Kitty.  William and Lucy!  Like the ones that ran away this morning.

Rose.  O do not let us waste any more time!  Jerry, do you take the man and shew him his work in the back kitchen; and Lucy, come to me and help me with my gown and my hair dressing.  We have not a minute to lose.

Kitty.  They may be upon us any time now.  I’ll go out and gather the flowers for the parlour, since you don’t want me any more within, Rose.

John.  And I’ll get and finish Jeremy’s work in the yard.  ’Tis upside down and round about and no how to-day.  But we’ll come out of it some time afore next year I reckon.

Project Gutenberg
Six Plays from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.