Six Plays eBook

Florence Henrietta Darwin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 324 pages of information about Six Plays.

Six Plays eBook

Florence Henrietta Darwin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 324 pages of information about Six Plays.

Rose. [Petulantly.] Whatever shall we do, John!  Me not dressed, everything no how, and them expected in less nor a half hour’s time

Kitty.  There!  I’ve finished a-dusting the chairs.  Now I’ll set them in their places.

Rose.  No one is thinking of me!  Who’s going to help me on with my gown and curl my hair like Robert was used to seeing me wear it at Aunt’s?

Kitty.  Did you have it different down at Bristol, Rose?

Rose.  Of course I did.  ’Twouldn’t do to be countrified in the town.

John.  Your hair’s well enough like that.  ’Tisn’t of hair as anyone’ll be thinking when they comes in, but of victuals.  And how we’re a-going to get the table and all fixed up in so short a time do fairly puzzle me.

Kitty.  I’ll do the table.

Rose.  No.  You’ve got to help me with my gown.  O that was a good-for-nothing baggage, leaving us in the lurch!

John.  Well, I’ve done my best to get us out of the fix.

Rose.  And what would that be, pray?

Kitty.  Why John, you’ve done nothing but stand with your back to the grate this last hour.

John.  I’ve sent off Jerry.

Rose. [Scornfully.] Much good that’ll do.

Kitty.  We know just how far Jerry will have gone.

John.  I told him not to shew hisself unless he could bring a couple of servants back along with him.

Rose. [Angrily.] You’re more foolish than I took you to be, John.  Get you off at once and fetch Jerry from his cider at the Red Bull.  He’s not much of a hand about the house, but he’s better than no one.

John. [Sighing heavily.] Jeremy’s not the man to start his drinking so early in the day.

Rose.  I’ve caught him at the cask soon after dawn.

Kitty.  And so have I, John.  How you put up with his independent ways I don’t know.

John.  Ah, ’tisn’t everyone as has such a powerful strong head as Jerry’s.  He’s one that can be trusted to take his fill, and none the worse with him afterwards.

[A knock at the door, which is pushed open by Jeremy.

Jeremy. [From the doorway.] Well, Master John—­well, mistress?

Rose. [Sharply.] Master was just starting out for to fetch you home, Jerry.

Jeremy. [Ignoring her.] Well, master, I’ve brought a couple back along of me.

Rose.  Ducklings or chickens?

Jeremy.  I’ve gotten them too.

Kitty.  Do you mean that you’ve found some servants for us, Jerry?

Jeremy.  Two outside.  Female and male.

John.  Didn’t I tell you so!  There’s naught that Jerry cannot do. 
You’ll have a drink for this, my man

Rose.  You may take my word he’s had that already, John.

Project Gutenberg
Six Plays from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.