Six Plays eBook

Florence Henrietta Darwin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 324 pages of information about Six Plays.

Six Plays eBook

Florence Henrietta Darwin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 324 pages of information about Six Plays.

[May, quietly opens the cupboard door and comes out.

Elizabeth.  So that’s where you’ve been, you deceitful little wench.

Andrew.  Well, to think of that, Millie.

Elizabeth.  And how long may you have bid there, I should like to know?

Daniel.  Come, come, my little maid, ’tis early days for you to be getting a lesson in courtship.

May.  O there wasn’t any courtship, Uncle, and I didn’t hear nothing at all to speak of.

Elizabeth.  There, run along quick and find your sister.  Supper’s late already, and that it is.

Annet.  I’ll go with her.

[She starts forward and hurriedly moves towards the door.

Elizabeth.  Stop a moment, Millie.  What are you thinking of to go trailing out in the dew with that beautiful cloak and bonnet.  Take and lay them in the box at once, do you hear?

Daniel.  That’s it, Mill.  ’Twouldn’t do for to mess them up afore the day.  ’Twas a fair price as I gived for they, and that I can tell you, my girl.

[Annet stops irresolutely.  May seizes her hand.

May.  Come off, come off, “Cousin Millie”; ’tis not damp outside, and
O I’m afeared to cross the rickyard by myself.

[She pulls Annet violently by the hand and draws her out of the door.

Elizabeth.  Off with the cloak this minute, Millie.

May. [Calling back.] She’s a-taking of it off, Aunt, she is.

Elizabeth.  I don’t know what’s come to the maid.  She don’t act like herself to-day.

Daniel.  Ah, that be asking too much of a maid, to act like herself, and the wedding day close ahead of she.

Elizabeth.  I’d be content with a suitable behaviour, Father.  I’m not hard to please.

Daniel.  Ah, you take and let her go quiet, same as I lets th’ old mare when her first comes up from grass.

Elizabeth.  ’Tis all very well for you to talk, Father but ’tis I who have got to do.

Daniel.  Come Mother, come Andrew, I be sharp set.  And ’tis the feel of victuals and no words as I wants in my mouth.

Elizabeth.  Well, Father, I’m not detaining you.  There’s the door, and the food has been cooling on the table this great while.

Daniel.  Come you, Andrew, come you, Mother.  Us’ll make a bit of a marriage feast this night.

[He leads the way and the others follow him out.


Act II.—­Scene 1.

A woodland path.  Giles comes forward with his two servants, George and John, who are carrying heavy packets.

Giles.  ’Tis powerful warm to-day.  We will take a bit of rest before we go further.

George. [Setting down his packet.] That’s it, master.  ’Tis a rare weight as I’ve been carrying across my back since dawn.

Project Gutenberg
Six Plays from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.