On the other hand an ending with Bishops of different colour leads mostly to a draw, frequently even against a majority of two pawns. The position in Diagram 75 is a draw, because it is impossible for the White King to get round his Kt pawn to drive off the Bishop.
--------------------------------------- 8 | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------| 7 | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------| 6 | | | | | | | #B | | |---------------------------------------| 5 | | #P | | #K | | | ^P | | |---------------------------------------| 4 | | | | ^P | | | ^K | | |---------------------------------------| 3 | | | ^P | | | | | | |---------------------------------------| 2 | | | | ^B | | | | | |---------------------------------------| 1 | | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------- A B C D E F G H
Diag. 75
With two passed pawns distant from each other, a win can generally be forced, as in the following position (Diagram 76).
--------------------------------------- 8 | | | | #B | | | | | |---------------------------------------| 7 | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------| 6 | | | | | | #K | | | |---------------------------------------| 5 | | ^P | | | | ^P | | | |---------------------------------------| 4 | | | | | | ^K | | | |---------------------------------------| 3 | | | | ^B | | | | | |---------------------------------------| 2 | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------| 1 | | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------- A B C D E F G H
Diag. 76
The King moves up to the pawn, the progress of which is barred by the Bishop (not the King). He thereby forces the sacrifice of the Bishop. If the Black King comes to the rescue of the Bishop, the other pawn proves Black’s downfall.
1. K-K4, K-K2; 2. K-Q5, K-Q2; 3. B-K4, B-K2; 4. P-Kt6, B-Q1; 5. P-Kt7, K-B2; 6. K-K6, and wins; or 5. ... B-B2; 6. P-B6, B-R7; 6. B-B2, K-K1; 8. K-K6, B-Kt1; 9. B-Kt6ch, K-B1; 10. K-Q7, and wins.
When the pawns are united, one should observe this rule: if they are attacked, they should, if possible, move to squares of the colour of the opposing Bishop.
Therefore in the position set out in Diagram 77 White should not play P-B5, but P-K5. After 1. P-B5 there is no possible chance for White to assume the command of the Black squares, and in order to advance the pawns it is necessary