Chess Strategy eBook

Edward Lasker
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 250 pages of information about Chess Strategy.

Chess Strategy eBook

Edward Lasker
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 250 pages of information about Chess Strategy.

11.  Q-K2

White should have prevented the further advance of the Black RP by 11.  P-QR4.  This would have been sound policy in any case, as the R file could not have been forced open for the Black Rooks.

11. ...           P-R5
12.  Kt-Q2        PxP

Premature.  The capture is only of value if the file can be held. 
To that end it is first necessary to play B-Kt2 and to occupy the
R file with Rooks and Queen.  After the exchange of Rooks, Black is at a disadvantage for the end-game because of
the inefficiency of the QB.

8 | #R |    | #B |    |    | #R | #K |    |
7 |    |    | #Q |    | #B | #P | #P | #P |
6 |    |    | #P |    | #P | #Kt|    |    |
5 |    |    | #P | #P | ^Kt|    |    |    |
4 |    |    |    |    |    | ^P |    |    |
3 |    | #P |    | ^P | ^P |    |    |    |
2 | ^P | ^B | ^P | ^Kt| ^Q |    | ^P | ^P |
1 | ^R |    |    |    |    | ^R | ^K |    |
A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H

Diag. 165

If instead of the text move Black had driven off the Bishop to B1 with P-R6 (13.  B-B3?, P-Q5!; 14.  PxP, Kt-Q4) he could have enforced his P-K4, but in the long run White would have captured the QRP, and remained with a passed pawn on the R file, a powerful weapon for the end-game, e.g. l2. ...  P-R6; 13.  B-B1, Kt-Q2; 14.  KtxKt, BxKt; 15.  P-K4, P-KB3; 16.  P-B4, followed by Kt-Kt1.

          13.  RPxP RxR
          14.  RxR B-Kt2
          15.  P-KKt4

The Black pieces being cut off from the K side, White is free to attack.

15. ...  R-R1 16.  RxRch BxR 17.  P-Kt5 Kt-Q2 18.  Q Kt-B3 KtxKt 19.  BxKt Q-R4 20.  P-B4

in order to prevent the release of the B by the pawn sacrifice P-B5 and P-B4.

20. ...  B-Kt2 21.  K-B2 K-B1 22.  P-R4 B-R3 23.  P-R5 B-Kt2 24.  P-R6 P-Kt3

By advancing his RP White has weakened Black’s KB3, with the constant threat of establishing his Kt there and of capturing the RP.

          25.  K-B1

This move is superfluous and probably dictated by time pressure.  The proper plan is:  Q-QKt2 with the threat of B-B7 or Kt8 and Q-R8ch.

          25. ...  Q-R6
          26.  Q-QKt2

The end-game is a clear win for White.  He plays his Kt to KKt4, threatening to reach B6 or K5.  The effect is twofold.

Project Gutenberg
Chess Strategy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.