Irregular Opening.
1. P-Q4 P-QB4
With this move Black tries to avoid well-trodden paths of tournament practice. White can, at will, lead into a peaceful Queen’s Gambit by 2. P-K3 or into a Sicilian Defence by P-K4. It is more usual, however, to play P-Q5, which blocks up the Black centre to some extent.
If 2. PxP, Black regains his pawn after P-K3 without any disadvantage.
2. P-Q5 P-Q3
3. P-QB4
Coupled with 4. P-K4, this move is of doubtful value, as Black gains command of White’s Q4. It is advisable to keep the QBP back, thus retaining the option of driving off a hostile piece from Q4 by P-QB3. Moreover, the White KB is hemmed in by the pawn at QB4.
3. ... P-KKt3 4. P-K4 B-Kt2 5. B-Q3 P-K3
The development of the KKt is not desirable at B3, where it would block the long diagonal. From K2, however, it commands KB4, where it can take up a strong position after the exchange of pawns in the centre, or else it can support the advance of the KBP.
6. Kt-QB3 Kt-K2
7. KKt-K2
Kt-B3 would have been slightly better, because the Black QKt might play to his K4.
7. ... PxP
8. KPxP Kt-Q2
9. P-B4
This move weakens the King’s position, and would be justified only if there was a possibility of opening the file for the Rook by P-B5. But Black has too strong a hold on his KB4. The text move aims at preventing the exchange of White’s KB through Black’s Kt-K4. It would have been better to withdraw the B to B2.
9. ... Kt-KB3 10. Kt-Kt3 P-KR4!
Now White cannot enforce P-B5, as Black can attack the Knight by P-R5. White cannot prevent this with P-KR4, as the Black Knight would take up a commanding position at Kt5. Black’s game is superior. He can concentrate all his minor pieces on the King’s wing, while White’s QB is ineffective on account of the ill-considered advance of the KBP.
--------------------------------------- 8 | #R | | #B | #Q | #K | | | #R | |---------------------------------------| 7 | #P | #P | | | #Kt| #P | #B | | |---------------------------------------| 6 | | | | #P | | #Kt| #P | | |---------------------------------------| 5 | | | #P | ^P | | | | #P | |---------------------------------------| 4 | | | ^P | | | ^P | | | |---------------------------------------| 3 | | | ^Kt| ^B | | | ^Kt| | |---------------------------------------| 2 | ^P | ^P | | | | | ^P | ^P | |---------------------------------------| 1 | ^R | | ^B | ^Q | ^K | | | ^R | --------------------------------------- A B C D E F G H
Diag. 163
11. Castles P-R5
12. KKt-K4 KtxKt
13. BxKt