The aim of the text move is the early occupation of K5. But, as the present game shows, this cannot be effected. Black must not waste time with Q-Kt3, but play B-Q3 at once.
4. ... Kt-QB3 5. P-K3 Kt-B3 6. QKt-Q2 B-Q3 7. B-Kt3 Castles 8. Kt-K5 BxKt! 9. PxB Kt-Q2
Now White has no means of maintaining his centre. Whether he supports the pawn with Kt-B3 or P-KB4, Black forces matters with P-B3.
--------------------------------------- 8 | #R | | #B | #Q | | #R | #K | | |---------------------------------------| 7 | #P | #P | | #Kt| | #P | #P | #P | |---------------------------------------| 6 | | | #Kt| | #P | | | | |---------------------------------------| 5 | | | #P | #P | ^P | | | | |---------------------------------------| 4 | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------| 3 | | | ^P | | ^P | | ^B | | |---------------------------------------| 2 | ^P | ^P | | ^Kt| | ^P | ^P | ^P | |---------------------------------------| 1 | ^R | | | ^Q | ^K | ^B | | ^R | --------------------------------------- A B C D E F G H
Diag. 162
Now that the idea underlying White’s opening strategy has proved impracticable, he has difficulty in formulating a plan. Making the best of a bad job, he abandons his KP in exchange for Black’s KRP. But Black obtains a powerful pawn centre, a telling advantage.
10. B-Q3 KKtxP 11. BxKt KtxB 12. BxPch KxB 13. Q-R5ch K-Kt1 14. QxKt P-B3 15. Q-R5 Q-Kt3
Black wishes to provoke the advance of the QKtP and QBP in order to obtain a passed pawn (16. P-QKt3, P-K4; 17. Castles KR, Q-R4; 18. P-QB4, P-Q5). In order to avoid this continuation, White takes his chance of castling on the Queen’s side. This turns out to Black’s advantage. Indeed it is a foregone conclusion. In the ensuing double assault by pawns, Black is several moves ahead, as the White pawns concerned in the attack are still on their original squares.
16. Castles QR P-K4 17. P-KKt4 P-Q5 18. P-QB4 B-Q2 19. P-Kt5 PxKtP 20. QxP RxP 21. PxP BPxP!
Finely played. Black gives up his KP in order to get his QR into play with the gain of a move.
22. QxP R-K1
23. Q-Kt3 QR-K7
24. KR-K1
KR-Kt1 would also be of no avail because of Q-KR3, 25. Q-Q3, Q-KB3 threatening B-B4. The move in the text puts an end to the agony.
24. ... RxKt!!
For after 25. RxR, RxR; 26. KxR, QxPch; 27. K-Q3, B-B4ch; 28. R-K4, Q-B6ch; 29. K-K2, QxQ; Black remains with an extra piece.
Game No. 45
White: Rubinstein. Black: Spielmann.