Diag. 160
Black’s difficulty is the development of his QB, particularly after White’s last move, which prevents P-K4. If now Q-B2 White plays 9. P-K4 and either the Queen or the Knight bear on K5, e.g. 9. ... PxKP; 10. KtxP, P-K4; 11. QKt-Kt5, B-Q3; 12. P-B5, etc.
Black therefore must develop his QB at Kt2 with P-QKt3, B-Kt2 and P-B4. Having moved the QBP twice, Black is a move behind the development usual in this opening. However, it would have been the lesser evil. In the present game the Bishop does not get into play in time.
8. ... PxP
9. KtxP P-B4
10. QKt-K5 PxP
11. PxP Kt-Kt3
12. Kt-Kt5
If Black captures the pawn, White gains time by threatening the Queen, and brings all his forces into play, whilst the Black Queen’s side remains undeveloped, e.g.: 12. ... QxP; 13. R-Q1, Q-B4; 14. Kt-Kt4, P-Kt3; 15. B-K3, Q-R4; 16. R-B1, with a strong attack. Black of course need not take the pawn, but the move in the text is a valuable one nevertheless, as the threat Q-B3-R3 provokes a weakening pawn move.
12. ... P-Kt3 13. KKt-B3 K-Kt2
preventing the entry of the B at R6.
14. B-KKt5 QKt-Q4 15. QR-B1 B-Q2 16. Q-Q2 Kt-Kt1
It should be noted how the weakness at KR3 acts to the detriment of Black’s game. The text move covers the weak square, but at the same time brings the Kt out of play. White in consequence gets the upper-hand on the Queen’s side, and the Knight cannot return in time.
17. BxB QxB
It would be no use taking with the KKt, as the threat Kt-Kt4 and Q-R6 must be guarded against. If the other Kt captures there follows: 18. B-K4, R-Kt1; 19. R-B3 and KR-B1.
18. B-K4 B-Kt4
This drives the Rook to a better square, but already now there is no satisfactory move. It would perhaps have been best to parry the threat of BxKt and R-B7 by playing Q-Q3, although the pawn would have to recapture after 19. BxKt, because of 20. R-B5 and KR-B1. The chance of bearing on the QP through the open file, which was probably Black’s intention all along, would then be lost. After the text move, however, White takes possession of the seventh rank, and Black’s game collapses quickly.
19. KR-K1 Q-Q3 20. BxKt PxB 21. Q-R5 P-QR3 22. Q-B7 QxQ 23. RxQ P-R3
Kt-Kt5 and Kt-K6ch was threatened.