Chess Strategy eBook

Edward Lasker
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 250 pages of information about Chess Strategy.

Chess Strategy eBook

Edward Lasker
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 250 pages of information about Chess Strategy.
31.  R-B7ch K-Q3 32.  RxKKtP P-Kt4 33.  B-Kt8 P-QR4 34.  RxP P-R5 35.  P-R4 P-Kt5 36.  R-R6ch K-B4 37.  R-R5ch K-Kt3 38.  B-Q5 P-Kt6

RxP is tempting but unavailing, as White plays B-B4 followed by R-Kt5ch and P-R5-6, etc.  After the text move White has a problem-like continuation, which he has worked out with great accuracy.

39.  PxP P-R6
40.  BxKt

If now P-R7, White simply plays 41.  R-Kt5ch, K-R3; 42.  R-Kt8-R8.

40. ...                 RxKtP
41.  B-Q5               P-R7
42.  R-R6ch             Resigns.

As the R holds the RP, e.g.  K-R4; 43.  B-B4 followed by R-R6ch or 42. ...  K-R2; 43.  R-R8, etc.

Game no. 41

White:  Niemzowitsch.  Black:  Tarrasch.

Queen’s Gambit Declined.

1.  P-Q4 P-Q4
2.  Kt-KB3 P-QB4
3.  P-B4 P-K3
4.  P-K3 Kt-KB3
5.  B-Q3 Kt-B3
6.  Castles B-Q3
7.  P-QKt3 Castles
8.  B-Kt2 P-QKt3
9.  QKt-Q2 B-Kt2
10.  R-B1 Q-K2
11.  PxQP

The most natural move to which the development of the QKt at Q2 instead of B3 would seem to lead is Kt-K5 followed by P-B4.  After 11.  Kt-K5 Black could not yet attempt 11. ...  PxQP; 12.  KPxP, B-R6, weakening the QP, because of 13.  BxB, QxB; 14.  PxP, KtxKt; 15.  PxKt, KtxP; 16.  Kt-B4 and Kt-Q6.

11. ...  KPxP
12.  Kt-R4

In order to provoke Black’s weakening move:  P-Kt3, which might give White chances of attack on the long diagonal QR1-KR8, White gives up two clear moves.  Black is able to get considerably ahead in his development, much to White’s disadvantage.

12. ...              P-Kt3
13.  KKt-B3          QR-Q sq

Not Kt-K5 yet, on account of 14.  PxP, PxP?; 15.  BxKt, PxB; 16.  KtxP.

14.  PxP

White’s position is uncomfortable, and a satisfactory continuation is hard to find.  Possibly passive resistance might have been the best plan, thus:  Q-K2, KR-Q1, Kt-B1-Kt3.  The text move is a preliminary to operations on the Queen’s side, but allows Black too much scope in the centre.

14. ...  PxP
15.  B-Kt5

White wishes to get rid of the Black Knight which supports the advance of P-Q5.

15. ...  Kt-K5
16.  BxKt BxB
17.  Q-B2

White has no idea of the threatened disaster, or he would have played P-KKt3.  Even then, however, Black has the better game with two Bishops, and the Q and Kt better placed.

          17. ...  KtxKt

The beginning of a brilliant mating combination.

          18.  KtxKt P-Q5!

Black would have played the same move if White had retaken with the Queen.

Project Gutenberg
Chess Strategy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.