7. BxKt
This is better than to withdraw the Bishop; Black’s last move was clearly loss of time.
7.. ... BxB 8. BxP Kt-Q2 9. Castles Castles
--------------------------------------- 8 | #R | | #B | #Q | | #R | #K | | |---------------------------------------| 7 | #P | #P | #P | #Kt| | #P | #P | | |---------------------------------------| 6 | | | | | #P | #B | | #P | |---------------------------------------| 5 | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------| 4 | | | ^B | ^P | ^P | | | | |---------------------------------------| 3 | | | ^Kt| | | ^Kt| | | |---------------------------------------| 2 | ^P | ^P | | | | ^P | ^P | ^P | |---------------------------------------| 1 | ^R | | | ^Q | | ^R | ^K | | --------------------------------------- A B C D E F G H
Diag. 149
There seems to be nothing alarming about the position, yet on closer investigation a number of vital failings can be discerned in Black’s camp. The absence of a pawn in the centre and the unsatisfactory development have a far-reaching influence. White will be able to bring his forces to the King’s side by way of K4, which is made accessible by the disappearance of Black’s QP, before Black has time to bring his QB to bear on White’s K4 by P-QKt3 and B-Kt2. White’s immediate threat (after P-K5) is Q-K2-K4 and B-Q3. If Black does not wish to risk P-KKt3, he must defend himself with R-K1, Kt-B1. In the meantime White can play R-Q1 and threaten P-Q5, opening the Queen’s file. This again necessitates P-B3, which postpones the efficiency of the QB at Kt2 until White’s QKt and QR have been brought up for the attack. The game develops on these lines, and provides an excellent example of the advantage of the command of the centre.
10. P-K5 B-K2 11. Q-K2 R-K1 12. QR-Q1 P-QB3 13. Q-K4 Q-B2
preparing P-QKt3.
14. KR-K1 Kt-B1 15. Q-Kt4 P-QKt3 16. Q-R5 B-Kt2 17. R-K4 B-Kt5
Black cannot yet play P-QB4, as R-B4 is threatened with an attack on KB7. The Bishop which obstructs the Q would have no move, save the sorry retreat to Q1, and White would win speedily: 17. ... P-QB4; 18. R-B4, B-Q1; 19. P-Q5, PxP; 20. KtxP, BxKt; 21. BxB, attacking R and P.
18. R-Kt4 BxKt 19. PxB K-R1
QxP was threatened.
20. Kt-Kt5 R-K2
21. Kt-K4
Even the Knight is brought in via K4.
21. ... R-Q1
22. R-Q3 P-QB4
23. Kt-B6
threatening QxPch and R-Kt8 mate. Black cannot capture the Kt because of QxPch and mate at Kt7. But the mate cannot be delayed much longer in view of the concentration of superior forces for the attack.