Chess Strategy eBook

Edward Lasker
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 250 pages of information about Chess Strategy.

Chess Strategy eBook

Edward Lasker
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 250 pages of information about Chess Strategy.
35. ...             R-Q1
36.  R-Kt7          R-B1
37.  P-B4           Kt-B3

In order to drive off the Rook; White now enforces the draw by a fine combination.

38.  B-Kt5!          Kt-R4
39.  RxP!            RxR
40.  QxPch          R-Q2

Not K-Kt1 on account of 41.  Q-K8ch, K-R2; 42.  QxR, QxKt; 43.  QxB, threatening B-K7.

41.  Kt-K5!  Draw.

For after BxKt there follows 42.  Q-K8ch, K-B2; 43.  QxBch, with perpetual check.

Both players have shown a deep positional insight, and the game shows in an interesting manner how a preponderance of material can be counterbalanced by the greater mobility of the pieces.

Game no. 35

White:  Reti.  Black:  Tartakower.

Caro-Kann Defence.

1.  P-K4 P-QB3 2.  P-Q4 P-Q4 3.  Kt-QB3 PxP 4.  KtxP Kt-KB3 5.  Q-Q3

White wishes to castle as soon as possible on the Queen’s side, in order to operate on the Queen’s file with the help of the Rook.

          5. ...  P-K4

Here Black loses two moves in bringing White’s centre pawn away.  The manoeuvre therefore is not sound.  QKt-Q2, KtxKt, and Kt-B3, or any other developing moves would be preferable.

          6.  PxP Q-R4ch
          7.  B-Q2 QxP
          8.  Castles!

8 | #R | #Kt| #B |    | #K | #B |    | #R |
7 | #P | #P |    |    |    | #P | #P | #P |
6 |    |    | #P |    |    | #Kt|    |    |
5 |    |    |    |    | #Q |    |    |    |
4 |    |    |    |    | ^Kt|    |    |    |
3 |    |    |    | ^Q |    |    |    |    |
2 | ^P | ^P | ^P | ^B |    | ^P | ^P | ^P |
1 |    |    | ^K | ^R |    | ^B | ^Kt| ^R |
A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H

Diag. 148

White prepares a magnificent mating combination, which can only be made possible at such an early stage, when the opponent has utterly neglected his development.

8. ...  KtxKt
9.  Q-Q8ch!!  KxQ
10.  B-Kt5 double ch K-B2
11.  B-Q8 mate

A beautiful mate.  If 11. ...  K-K1, 11.  R-Q8 mate.

Game no. 36

White:  Forgacz.  Black:  E. Cohn.

Queen’s Gambit.

1.  P-Q4 P-Q4 2.  Kt-KB3 P-K3 3.  P-B4 PxP 4.  Kt-B3 Kt-KB3 5.  B-Kt5 B-K2 6.  P-K4 P-KR3

Through 3. ...  PxP Black’s development is one move behind, and such pawn moves should at any cost be avoided as do not contribute to the mobilisation of the pieces.  Castles, P-QKt3, B-Kt2, and QKt-Q 2 was the proper course.

Project Gutenberg
Chess Strategy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.