Chess Strategy eBook

Edward Lasker
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 250 pages of information about Chess Strategy.

Chess Strategy eBook

Edward Lasker
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 250 pages of information about Chess Strategy.

Black being behind with his development is already threatened by sacrificial combinations.  If he takes the Bishop he loses by 15.  B-Kt5ch, K-B1; 16.  Q-Q8ch!, BxQ; 17.  R-K8 mate, or l5. ...  P-B3; 16.  BxPch, and so on.

14. ...              P-B3
15.  Q-K4            B-K3
16.  R-K3            B-QB4

Here Black might have castled on the Queen’s side, but R-Q1 would have had much the same sequel as in the actual game.

17.  B-K5            Q-R3
18.  R-Kt3           B-KB1

A sorry retreat.  But after Q-Q7, which may have been Black’s original intention, White plays R-KB1, threatening B-KB4.

19.  R-Q1

This move completes White’s development, and only seems to give Black a chance of castling.  However, Black has no satisfactory continuation.

19. ...                  Castles?
20.  QxPch               PxQ
21.  B-R6                Mate

Game No. 21

White:  Eduard Lasker.  Black:  Aljechin.

Three Knights’ Defence.

1.  P-K4 P-K4 2.  Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 3.  Kt-B3 B-Kt5 4.  Kt-Q5

Developing another piece by B-Kt5 or B4 would be more in accordance with principle.

4. ...  B-K2

There was a threat of KtxB and KtxP.  If Black plays P-Q3, the B must retire all the same after 5.  B-Kt5.  It seems best to retire the B to K2 rather than to B4 or R4, because there remains the threat of a pin subsequently by B-KKt5, which might become serious with the Knight at Q5.

5.  B-B4 Kt-B3 6.  P-Q3 P-Q3 7.  KtxB QxKt 8.  P-B3 P-KR3

The KKt is to support the advance of P-Q4 subsequently, and that is why Black does not want to allow it to be pinned.  This is sound strategy, since White has exchanged his QKt, which from B3 prevents P-Q4 in the ordinary way.

9.  B-K3 Castles
10.  Q-Q2 B-K3
11.  B-Kt3

The first mistake.  B-QKt5 should be played to retard P-Q4.

11. ...                BxB
12.  PxB               P-Q4
8 | #R |    |    |    |    | #R | #K |    |
7 | #P | #P | #P |    | #Q | #P | #P |    |
6 |    |    | #Kt|    |    | #Kt|    | #P |
5 |    |    |    | #P | #P |    |    |    |
4 |    |    |    |    | ^P |    |    |    |
3 |    | ^P | ^P | ^P | ^B | ^Kt|    |    |
2 |    | ^P |    | ^Q |    | ^P | ^P | ^P |
1 | ^R |    |    |    | ^K |    |    | ^R |
A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H

Diag. 132

Project Gutenberg
Chess Strategy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.