15. Q-Q4 B-Kt2
The only chance lay in the pawn sacrifice by P-QB4, after which the Bishop gets to Kt2 with a threat of mate, and the QR is free.
16. Q-QKt4
17. Kt-K4
Fine play. If Black captures the pawn, White obtains a combined attack with Q, R, and Kt, to which Black can only oppose the Q, so that the result cannot be in doubt—e.g. 17. ... QxKP; 18. Kt-B5, Q-Q3; 19. Q-QB4, RxRch; 20. RxR, P-KR3; 21. R-K8ch, K-R2; 22. Q-K4ch, P-Kt3 (Q-Kt3?; 23. QxQ, followed by KtxP); 23. Kt-Q3 and R-K7.
17. ... Q-K2 18. Kt-B5 R-Kt3 19. R-K3 P-QR4 20. Q-Q4 R-Kt1 21. P-QB4
preventing R-Kt4
21. ... P-R3 22. P-QKt3 K-R2 23. R-Q1 Q-Kt4 24. R-Kt3 Q-B4 25. RxR PxR
Black has built a wall of pawns round his King, but it does not avail against the superior forces which White can concentrate.
White’s plan is clear. He will advance his pawns, and break up those that surround the Black King, always taking care that Black does not free his Queen’s side meanwhile. His pieces will then break in easily, and Black is forced to look on passively.
P-KR3 R-R1
to prevent the sacrifice of a pawn by P-R5, which would bring the Black Rook into play.
27. ... R-Kt1 28. R-Q3 Q-Kt4 29. K-R2 Q-K2 30. P-B4 Q-B2 31. P-K6!!
--------------------------------------- 8 | | #R | #B | | | | | | |---------------------------------------| 7 | | | #P | #P | | #Q | #P | #K | |---------------------------------------| 6 | | | #P | | ^P | | #P | #P | |---------------------------------------| 5 | #P | | ^Kt| | | | | | |---------------------------------------| 4 | ^P | | ^P | ^Q | | ^P | | | |---------------------------------------| 3 | | ^P | | ^R | | | | ^P | |---------------------------------------| 2 | | | | | | | ^P | ^K | |---------------------------------------| 1 | | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------- A B C D E F G H
Diag. 115
A beautiful move which robs Black of his last chance of freeing his Queen’s side, which he might have accomplished by the pawn sacrifice of P-Q3.
31. ... PxP 32. Q-K5 Q-K2 33. P-KKt4 R-Kt5 34. K-Kt3 R-Kt3 35. P-R4 Q-B1 36. P-R5 PxP 37. QxRP R-Kt1 38. Q-K5 R-Kt3 39. P-Kt5 P-R4 40. P-Kt6ch
The end is near. Black must take, as QxRP forces a speedy
40. ... KxP 41. Q-Kt5ch K-R2 42. QxRPch K-Kt1 43. Q-Kt5
threatening R-Q8