Chess Strategy eBook

Edward Lasker
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 250 pages of information about Chess Strategy.

Chess Strategy eBook

Edward Lasker
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 250 pages of information about Chess Strategy.
4 | | | ^B | | ^P | ^P | | | |---------------------------------------| 3 | | ^P | ^P | | ^Kt| | | | |---------------------------------------| 2 | ^P | | | ^Kt| | | ^P | ^P | |---------------------------------------| 1 | ^R | | | ^Q | ^K | | | ^R | --------------------------------------- A B C D E F G H

Diag. 108

Black threatens to play K-R1 in order to play P-B4.  White’s position would then be very bad, and therefore he rightly decides to anticipate the move, even at the cost of a pawn.  In order to gain the QBP Black must waste a number of moves with the Q, and White gains time for a King’s side attack.  The pawn sacrifice is very promising indeed.

          13. ...  Q-B3
          14.  Castles QxQBP
          15.  R-B3

There seem to be many threats here, and the position is a difficult one to fathom.  After disentangling his Queen, Black tries very hard to force his P-B4.  As soon as he succeeds in this he has a won game, for the open file is available both for defence and counter-attack.

15. ...  Q-Q5 16.  K-R1 B-K3 17.  R-QB1 BxB 18.  RxB Q-Kt7

Q-B3 is impossible apart from the fact that it would block the KBP, e.g. 18. ...  Q-B3; 19.  P-K5, PxP; 20.  Kt-K4, etc.

          19.  R-QB2 Q-B3

Now the attack shown in the last note could be answered with Q-R5.

          20.  Kt-Kt4

Here P-KKt4 could be answered by Kt-Q5, e.g. 21.  P-Kt5, Q-Kt3; 22.  R-Kt3, P-B4.

20. ...  Q-Kt3 21.  R-Kt3 P-B4 22.  Kt-K5 Q-K3 23.  KtxKt KtxKt 24.  P-K5 Kt-Kt5!

This prevents the Rook from occupying the Q file which is about to be opened.

25.  R-B4          PxP
26.  Q-R1          Q-Q2!

If now QxP, Black plays R-B2 with unanswerable threats of R-K1 or Q1.

27.  Kt-B3 PxP 28.  Kt-K5 Q-K2 29.  RxKBP QR-K1 30.  Kt-B4 Q-K8ch 31.  R-B1 QxQ 32.  RxQ KtxP 33.  P-R3 P-B5 34.  R-Q3 Kt-Kt5 35.  R-Q7 P-B6! 36.  PxP RxP 37.  RxRP Kt-Q6

threatens mate in six.

          38.  R-R1 Kt-K8

mate is again threatened.

39.  Kt-Q2 RxPch 40.  K-Kt1 R-Kt6ch 41.  K-R2 R-Q6! 42.  RxKt RxKtch 43.  RxR RxR 44.  R-Q7 R-K6 45.  RxP RxP 46.  RxP P-R3 47.  R-B6

A few more moves “for fun.”

Project Gutenberg
Chess Strategy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.