Diag. 108
Black threatens to play K-R1 in order to play P-B4. White’s position would then be very bad, and therefore he rightly decides to anticipate the move, even at the cost of a pawn. In order to gain the QBP Black must waste a number of moves with the Q, and White gains time for a King’s side attack. The pawn sacrifice is very promising indeed.
... Q-B3
Castles QxQBP
There seem to be many threats here, and the position is a difficult one to fathom. After disentangling his Queen, Black tries very hard to force his P-B4. As soon as he succeeds in this he has a won game, for the open file is available both for defence and counter-attack.
15. ... Q-Q5 16. K-R1 B-K3 17. R-QB1 BxB 18. RxB Q-Kt7
Q-B3 is impossible apart from the fact that it would block the KBP, e.g. 18. ... Q-B3; 19. P-K5, PxP; 20. Kt-K4, etc.
19. R-QB2 Q-B3
Now the attack shown in the last note could be answered with Q-R5.
20. Kt-Kt4
Here P-KKt4 could be answered by Kt-Q5, e.g. 21. P-Kt5, Q-Kt3; 22. R-Kt3, P-B4.
20. ... Q-Kt3 21. R-Kt3 P-B4 22. Kt-K5 Q-K3 23. KtxKt KtxKt 24. P-K5 Kt-Kt5!
This prevents the Rook from occupying the Q file which is about to be opened.
25. R-B4 PxP 26. Q-R1 Q-Q2!
If now QxP, Black plays R-B2 with unanswerable threats of R-K1 or Q1.
27. Kt-B3 PxP 28. Kt-K5 Q-K2 29. RxKBP QR-K1 30. Kt-B4 Q-K8ch 31. R-B1 QxQ 32. RxQ KtxP 33. P-R3 P-B5 34. R-Q3 Kt-Kt5 35. R-Q7 P-B6! 36. PxP RxP 37. RxRP Kt-Q6
threatens mate in six.
38. R-R1 Kt-K8
mate is again threatened.
39. Kt-Q2 RxPch 40. K-Kt1 R-Kt6ch 41. K-R2 R-Q6! 42. RxKt RxKtch 43. RxR RxR 44. R-Q7 R-K6 45. RxP RxP 46. RxP P-R3 47. R-B6
A few more moves “for fun.”