Chess Strategy eBook

Edward Lasker
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 250 pages of information about Chess Strategy.

Chess Strategy eBook

Edward Lasker
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 250 pages of information about Chess Strategy.

          21.  Q-Kt4 QR-K1
          22.  R-K4!  P-Kt4
          23.  P-QR4

and now even the QR takes part in the assault.  Black’s game is hopeless.

          23. ...  P-R3
          24.  PxP PxP
          25.  K-Kt2

attacking the KP by avoiding the check.

25. ...  Kt-Q1 26.  Q-B3 Q-Kt3 27.  R-Q4 P-B3 28.  RxKtch KxR 29.  QxP Resigns.

After this, no master has tried to defend a “Max Lange” in an international tournament.

Game no. 8

White:  Blackburne.  Black:  Em.  Lasker.

Scotch Game.

1.  P-K4 P-K4 2.  Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 3.  P-Q4 PxP 4.  KtxP B-B4 5.  B-K3 Q-B3

The threat KtxKt and BxB must be met in some way.  P-Q3 is not satisfactory, for Black remains with a trebled pawn after the double exchange.  An alternative to the text move is B-Kt3.  Q-B3, however, has the advantage of developing a piece, and although it is the Queen, White has no early opportunity of driving the same off, such as he often obtains when the Queen comes out so soon in the game.

          6.  P-QB3 KKt-K2
          7.  Kt-B2

In order to develop the QKt.

          7. ...  P-QKt3!

Out of three possible moves, Lasker selects the one which contributes most to development.  B-Kt3 does nothing in that direction, and BxB would bring the White Knight further into play.  The text move prepares the development of the B at Kt2 with the option of Castles QR.  If White exchanges Bishops he gives up the command of his Q4.  Black’s P-Q3 might have had the same result, but then the exchange would have given White a majority of pawns on the K side, whilst White’s three Q side pawns would have held the black Q side pawns, one of the latter being doubled.

8.  Kt-Q2 Q-Kt3

The exchange of Bishops allows White to play Kt-K3, thus avoiding the weakening move P-K Kt3. 9.  B-KB4 is answered by P-Q4!.

 9.  BxB PxB

10.  Kt-K3 R-QKt1
11.  P-QKt3 Castles
12.  B-B4

To prevent Black’s P-B4.

At first sight it seems as if the QBP ought to move to B4, as the advance of the QKtP has weakened it.  But White dares not allow a Black Knight to settle at Q5.

12. ...  P-Q3
13.  P-B4!

8 |    | #R | #B |    |    | #R | #K |    |
7 | #P |    | #P |    | #Kt| #P | #P | #P |
6 |    |    | #Kt| #P |    |    | #Q |    |
5 |    |    | #P |    |    |    |    |    |

Project Gutenberg
Chess Strategy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.