That prince, who then had only his usual guards about him, could not resist so many enemies; they invested the city, and the gates being opened to them without any resistance, they very soon became masters of the city, and broke into the palace where the king my uncle was, who defended himself till he was killed, and sold his life at a dear rate. For my part I fought as well as I could for a while, but, seeing we were forced to submit to a superior power, I thought on my retreat and safety, which I had the good fortune to effect by some back ways, and got to one of the king’s servants, on whose fidelity I could depend.
Being thus surrounded with sorrows, and persecuted by fortune, I had recourse to a stratagem, which was the only means left me to save my life; I caused my beard and eyebrows to be shaved, and putting on a calender’s habit, I passed, unknown by any, out of the city: After that, by degrees, I found it easy to get out of my uncle’s kingdom by taking the byeroads.
I avoided passing through towns, until I was got into the empire of the mighty governor of the Mussulmen, the glorious and renowned Caliph Haroun Alraschid, when I thought myself out of danger; and, considering what I was to do, I resolved to come to Bagdad, intending to throw myself at the monarch’s feet, whose generosity is every where applauded. I shall move him to compassion, said I to myself, by the relation of my surprising misfortunes, and without doubt he will take pity on such an unfortunate prince, and not suffer me to implore his assistance in vain.
In short, after a journey of several months, I arrived yesterday at the gate of this city, into which I entered about the dusk of the evening, and standing still a little while to revive my spirits, and to consider on which hand I was to turn, this other calender you see here next me came also along; he saluted me, and I him. You appear, said I, to be a stranger, as I am. You are not mistaken, replied he. He had no sooner returned this answer, than this third calender you see there overtook us. He saluted us, and told us he was a stranger newly come to Bagdad; so that as brethren we joined together, resolving not to separate from one another.
Meanwhile it was late, and we knew not where to seek a lodging in the city, where we had no acquaintance, nor had ever been before. But good fortune having brought us before your gate, we made bold to knock, when you received us with so much kindness, that we are incapable to return you suitable thanks. This, madam, (said he,) is, in obedience to your commands, the account I was, to give you why I lost my right eye, wherefore my beard and eye-brows are shaved, and how I came to be with you at this present time.
It is enough, says Zobeide, you may retire to what place you think fit. The calender made his excuse, and begged the ladies’ leave to stay till he had heard the relations of his two comrades, whom I cannot, says he, leave with honour; and till he might also hear those of the three other persons that were in company.