The Arabian Nights Entertainments - Volume 01 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 770 pages of information about The Arabian Nights Entertainments.

The Arabian Nights Entertainments - Volume 01 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 770 pages of information about The Arabian Nights Entertainments.
forced smile, You told me, indeed, that I should find the lady very good, very pleasant, and very charming; I must own I am mightily obliged to you!  All this is nothing, replied the old woman:  let her go on; you will see another thing by and by.  Then the young lady said to him, Brother, you are a brave man, I am glad to find you are of so good an humour, and so complaisant, as to bear with my little caprices; your humour is exactly like mine.  Madam, replied Backbarah, who was charmed with this discourse, I am no more my own man, I am wholly yours; you may dipose of me as you please.  Oh, how you oblige me! said the lady, by so much submission!  I am very well satisfied with you, and will have you to be so with me.  Bring him perfume, said she, and rose-water.  Upon this, two slaves went out, and returned speedily; one with a silver perfume-box, with the best wood-aloes, with which she perfumed him; and the other with rose-water, which she threw on his hands and face.  My brother was quite beside himself at this honourable treatment.  After this ceremony, the young lady commanded the slaves, who had already played on their instruments and sung, to renew their concerts.  They obeyed; and, in the mean time, the lady called another slave, and ordered her to carry my brother with her, and do what she knew, and bring him back to her again.  Backbarah, who heard this order, got up quickly, and going to the old woman, who also rose up to go along with him and the slave, prayed her to tell him what they were to do with him.  My mistress is only curious, replied the old woman softly; she has a mind to see how you look in a woman’s dress; and this slave who has orders to carry you with her, is instructed to paint your eye-brows, to cut off your whiskers, and to dress you like a woman.  You may paint my brows as much as you please, said my brother; I agree to that, because I can wash it off again:  but to shave me, you know I must not allow that.  How can I appear abroad again without mustachos?  Beware of refusing what is asked of you, said the old woman:  you will spoil your affairs, which go on now as well as heart can wish.  The lady loves you, and has a mind to make you happy:  and will you, for a nasty whisker, renounce the most delicious favour that man can obtain.  Backbarah listened to the old woman, and without saying one word, went to a chamber with the slave, where they painted his eye-brows with red, cut off his whisker, and went to do the like with his beard.  My brother’s patience began to wear out; O! said he, I will never part with my beard.  The slave told him, that it was to no purpose to have parted with his whiskers, if he would not also part with his beard, which could never agree with a woman’s dress; and she wondered that a man, who was on the point of enjoying the finest lady in Bagdad, should have any regard to his beard.  The old woman threatened him with the loss of the young lady’s favour, so that at last he let them do what they would.  When he was dressed
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The Arabian Nights Entertainments - Volume 01 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.