The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 347 pages of information about The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.

The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 347 pages of information about The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.

I told him their case and mine differed exceedingly; that they were cast upon the shore without necessaries, without supply of food, or present sustenance till they could provide for it; that, it was true, I had this further disadvantage and discomfort, that I was alone; but then the supplies I had providentially thrown into my hands, by the unexpected driving of the ship on the shore, was such a help as would have encouraged any creature in the world to have applied himself as I had done.  “Seignior,” says the Spaniard, “had we poor Spaniards been in your case, we should never have got half those things out of the ship, as you did:  nay,” says he, “we should never have found means to have got a raft to carry them, or to have got the raft on shore without boat or sail:  and how much less should we have done if any of us had been alone!” Well, I desired him to abate his compliments, and go on with the history of their coming on shore, where they landed.  He told me they unhappily landed at a place where there were people without provisions; whereas, had they had the common sense to put off to sea again, and gone to another island a little further, they had found provisions, though without people:  there being an island that way, as they had been told, where there were provisions, though no people—­that is to say, that the Spaniards of Trinidad had frequently been there, and had filled the island with goats and hogs at several times, where they had bred in such multitudes, and where turtle and sea-fowls were in such plenty, that they could have been in no want of flesh, though they had found no bread; whereas, here they were only sustained with a few roots and herbs, which they understood not, and which had no substance in them, and which the inhabitants gave them sparingly enough; and they could treat them no better, unless they would turn cannibals and eat men’s flesh.

They gave me an account how many ways they strove to civilise the savages they were with, and to teach them rational customs in the ordinary way of living, but in vain; and how they retorted upon them as unjust that they who came there for assistance and support should attempt to set up for instructors to those that gave them food; intimating, it seems, that none should set up for the instructors of others but those who could live without them.  They gave me dismal accounts of the extremities they were driven to; how sometimes they were many days without any food at all, the island they were upon being inhabited by a sort of savages that lived more indolent, and for that reason were less supplied with the necessaries of life, than they had reason to believe others were in the same part of the world; and yet they found that these savages were less ravenous and voracious than those who had better supplies of food.  Also, they added, they could not but see with what demonstrations of wisdom and goodness the governing providence of God directs the events of things in this world, which, they said, appeared in their circumstances:  for if, pressed by the hardships they were under, and the barrenness of the country where they were, they had searched after a better to live in, they had then been out of the way of the relief that happened to them by my means.

Project Gutenberg
The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.