Strasburger, on the effect of light on spores of Haematococcus, 455, n.; the influence of light on the swarm-spores, 488.
Strawberry, stolons of the, circumnutate, but not affected by moderate light, 454
Strephium floribundum, circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of leaves, 391, 392
Tamarindus Indica, nyctitropic movement of leaflets, 374
Transversal — heliotropismus (of Frank) or diaheliotropism, 438
Trapa natans, unequal cotyledons, 95, n.
Tecoma radicans, stems apheliotropic, 451
Tephrosia caribaea, 354
Terminology, 5
Thalia dealbata, sleep of leaves, 389
—, lateral movement of leaves, 404
Trichosanthes anguina, action of the peg on the radicle, 104 —, nocturnal movement of cotyledons, 304
Trifolium, position of terminal leaflets at night, 282 — globosum, with hairs protecting the seed-bearing flowers, 517 — glomeratum, movement of cotyledons, 309 — incarnatum, movement of cotyledons, 309 — Pannonicum, shape of first true leaf, 350, 415 Trifolium pratense, leaves exposed at night, 293 — repens, circumnutation of flower-stem, 225 —, circumnutating and epinastic movements of flower-stem, 276-279 —, nyctitropic movement of leaves, 349 —, circumnutation and nyctitropic movements of terminal leaflets, 352, 353 —, sleep movements, 349 — resupinatum, no pulvini to cotyledons, 118 —, circumnutation of stem, 204 —, effect of exposure at night, 295 —, cotyledons not rising at night, 118, 309 —, circumnutation and nyctitropic movements of terminal leaflets, 351, 352 — strictum, movements of cotyledons at night, 116, 118 —, nocturnal and diurnal movements of cotyledons, 309-311, 313 —, movement of the left-hand cotyledon, 316 — subterraneum, movement of flower-heads, 71 —, of cotyledons at night, 116, 118, 309 —, circumnutation of flower-stem, 224, 225 —, circumnutation and nyctitropic movements of leaves, 350 —, number of ellipses in 24 hours, 405 —, burying its flower-heads, 513, 514 —, downward movement of peduncle, 515 —, circumnutating movement of peduncle, 516
Trigonella Cretica, sleep of leaves, 345
Triticum repens, underground shoots of, become apogeotropic, 189 [page 591]
Triticum vulgare, sensitiveness of tips of radicle to moist air, 184
Tropaeolum majus (?), sensitiveness of apex of radicle to contact, 167 —, circumnutation of stem, 204 —, influence of illumination on nyctitropic movements, 338-340, 344 —, heliotropic movement and circumnutation of epicotyl of a young seedling, 428, 429 —, of an old internode towards a lateral light, 430 —, stems of very young plants highly heliotropic, of old plants slightly apheliotropic, 453 —, effect of lateral light, 484 — minus (?), circumnutation of buried and arched epicotyl, 27