Phaseolus Hernandesii, nocturnal movement of leaves and leaflets, 368 —, caracalla, 93 —, nocturnal movement of leaves, 368 —, effect of bright sunshine on leaflets, 446 [page 587]
Phaseolus multiflorus, movement of radicles, 29 —, of young radicle, 72 —, of hypocotyl, 91, 93 —, sensitiveness of apex of radicle, 163-167 —, to moist air, 181 —, cauterisation and grease on the tips, 535 —, nocturnal movement of leaves, 368 —, nyctitropic movement of the first unifoliate leaves, 397 — Roxburghii, effect of bright sunshine on first leaves, 445 —, vulgaris, 93 —, sleep of leaves, 318 —, vertical sinking of leaflets at night, 368
Phyllanthus Niruri, sleep of leaflets, 388
— linoides, sleep of leaves, 387
Pilocereus Houlletii, rudimentary cotyledons, 97
Pimelia spectabilis, sleep of leaves, 387
Pincers, wooden, through which the radicle of a bean was allowed to grow, 75
Pinus austriaca, circumnutation of leaves, 251, 252 — Nordmanniana, nyctitropic movement of leaves, 389 — pinaster, circumnutation of hypocotyl, 56 —, movement of two opposite cotyledons, 57 —, circumnutation of young leaf, 250, 251 —, epinastic downward movement of young leaf, 270
Pistia stratiotes, movement of leaves, 255
Pisum sativum, sensitiveness of apex of radicle, 158
—, tips of radicles cauterised transversely,
Plants, sensitiveness to light, 449; hygroscopic movements of, 489
Plants, climbing, circumnutation of, 264; movements
of, 559
—, mature, circumnutation of, 201-214
Pliny on the sleep-movements of plants, 280
Plumbago Capensis, circumnutation of stem, 208, 209
Poinciana Gilliesii, sleep of leaves, 368
Polygonum aviculare, leaves vertical at night, 387
— convolvulus, sinking of the leaves at
night, 318
Pontederia (sp.?), circumnutation of leaves, 256
Porlieria hygrometrica, circumnutation and nyctitropic movements of petiole of leaf, 335, 336 —, effect of watering, 336-338 —, leaflets closed during the day, 413
Portulaca oleracea, effect of Aecidium on, 189
Primula Sinensis, conjoint circumnutation of hypocotyl and cotyledon, 45, 46
Pringsheim on the injury to chlorophyll, 446
Prosopis, nyctitropic movements of leaflets, 374
Psoralea acaulis, nocturnal movements of leaflets,
Pteris aquilina, rachis of, 86
Pulvini, or joints; of cotyledons, 112-122; influence of, on the movements of cotyledons, 313; effect on nyctitropic movements, 396
Quercus (American sp.), circumnutation of young stem, 53, 54 — robur, movement of radicles, 54, 55 —, sensitiveness of apex of radicle, 174-176 [page 588]