Lynch, Mr. R., on Pachira aquatica, 95, n.; sleep movements of Averrhoa, 330
Maranta arundinacea, nyctitropic movement of leaves, 389-391 —, after much agitation do not sleep, 319
Marsilia quadrifoliata, effect of radiation at night, 292 —, circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of leaflets, 392-394 —, rate of movement, 404
Martins, on radiation at night, 284, n.
Masters, Dr. Maxwell, on the leading shoots of the Coniferae, 211
Maurandia semperflorens, circumnutation of peduncle,
Medicago maculata, nocturnal position of leaves, 345
— marina, leaves awake and asleep, 344
Meehan, Mr., on the effect of an Aecidium on Portulaca oleracea, 189
Megarrhiza Californica, mode of breaking through the ground, 81 —, germination described by Asa Gray, 82 —, singular manner of germination, 83, 556
Melaleuca ericaefolia, sleep of leaves, 383
Melilotus, sleep of leaves, 345 — alba, sleep of leaves, 347 — coerulea, sleep of leaves, 347 — dentata, effect of radiation at night, 295 — elegans, sleep of leaves, 347 — gracilis, sleep of leaves, 347 — infesta, sleep of leaves, 347 — Italica, leaves exposed at night, 291 —, sleep of leaves, 347 — macrorrhiza, leaves exposed at night, 292 —, sleep of leaves, 347 — messanensis, sleep of leaves on full-grown and young plants, 348, 416 — officinalis, effect of exposure of leaves at night, 290, 296 —, nocturnal movement of leaves, 346, 347 —, circumnutation of leaves, 348 —, movement of petioles, 401 [page 584]
Melilotus parviflora, sleep of leaves, 347 — Petitpierreana, leaves exposed at night, 291, 296 —, sleep of leaves, 347 — secundiflora, sleep of leaves, 347 — suaveolens, leaves exposed at night, 291 —, sleep of leaves, 347 — sulcata, sleep of leaves, 347 — Taurica, leaves exposed at night, 291 —, sleep of leaves, 347, 415
Methods of observation, 6
Mimosa albida, cotyledons vertical at night, 116 —, not sensitive to contact, 127 —, sleep of cotyledons, 308 —, rudimentary leaflets, 364 —, nyctitropic movements of leaves, 379, 380 —, circumnutation of the main petiole of young leaf, 381 —, torsion, or rotation of leaves and leaflets, 400 —, first true leaf, 416 —, effect of bright sunshine on basal leaflets, 445 — marginata, nyctitropic movements of leaflets, 381 — pudica, movement of cotyledons, 105 —, rupture of the seed-coats, 105 —, circumnutation of cotyledons, 109 —, pulvini of, 113, 115 —, cotyledons vertical at night, 116 —, hardly sensitive to contact, 127 —, effect of exposure at night, 293 —, nocturnal movement of leaves, 297 —, sleep of cotyledons, 308 —, circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of main petiole, 374-378 —, of leaflets, 378
Mimosa albida, circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of pinnae, 402 —, number of ellipses described in given time, 406 —, effect of bright sunshine on leaflets, 446