Mr. Standfast eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 482 pages of information about Mr. Standfast.

Mr. Standfast eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 482 pages of information about Mr. Standfast.

‘Hun,’ said Archie.  ‘That makes three.  Oh, good lads!  Good lads!’

Then I saw something which took away my breath.  Sloping down in wide circles came a German machine, and, following, a little behind and a little above, a British.  It was the first surrender in mid-air I had seen.  In my amazement I watched the couple right down to the ground, till the enemy landed in a big meadow across the high-road and our own man in a field nearer the river.

When I looked back into the sky, it was bare.  North, south, east, and west, there was not a sign of aircraft, British or German.

A violent trembling took me.  Archie was sweeping the heavens with his glasses and muttering to himself.  Where was the fifth man?  He must have fought his way through, and it was too late.

But was it?  From the toe of a great rolling cloud-bank a flame shot earthwards, followed by a V-shaped trail of smoke.  British or Boche?  British or Boche?  I didn’t wait long for an answer.  For, riding over the far end of the cloud, came two of our fighting scouts.

I tried to be cool, and snapped my glasses into their case, though the reaction made me want to shout.  Archie turned to me with a nervous smile and a quivering mouth.  ‘I think we have won on the post,’ he said.

He reached out a hand for mine, his eyes still on the sky, and I was grasping it when it was torn away.  He was staring upwards with a white face.

We were looking at the sixth enemy plane.

It had been behind the others and much lower, and was making straight at a great speed for the east.  The glasses showed me a different type of machine—­a big machine with short wings, which looked menacing as a hawk in a covey of grouse.  It was under the cloud-bank, and above, satisfied, easing down after their fight, and unwitting of this enemy, rode the two British craft.

A neighbouring anti-aircraft gun broke out into a sudden burst, and I thanked Heaven for its inspiration.  Curious as to this new development, the two British turned, caught sight of the Boche, and dived for him.

What happened in the next minutes I cannot tell.  The three seemed to be mixed up in a dog fight, so that I could not distinguish friend from foe.  My hands no longer trembled; I was too desperate.  The patter of machine-guns came down to us, and then one of the three broke clear and began to climb.  The others strained to follow, but in a second he had risen beyond their fire, for he had easily the pace of them.  Was it the Hun?

Archie’s dry lips were talking.

‘It’s Lensch,’ he said.

‘How d’you know?’ I gasped angrily.

’Can’t mistake him.  Look at the way he slipped out as he banked.  That’s his patent trick.’

In that agonizing moment hope died in me.  I was perfectly calm now, for the time for anxiety had gone.  Farther and farther drifted the British pilots behind, while Lensch in the completeness of his triumph looped more than once as if to cry an insulting farewell.  In less than three minutes he would be safe inside his own lines, and he carried the knowledge which for us was death.

Project Gutenberg
Mr. Standfast from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.