Prefer deeds to words
Preferred a winding path to a straight one
Prepare sorrow when we come into the world
Prepared for the worst; then you are armed against failure
Pretended to see nothing in the old woman’s taunts
Priests that they should instruct the people to be obedient
Priests: in order to curb the unruly conduct of the populace
Principle of over-estimating the strength of our opponents
Provide yourself with a self-devised ruler
Rapture and anguish—who can lay down the border line
Readers often like best what is most incredible
Reason is a feeble weapon in contending with a woman
Refreshed by the whip of one of the horsemen
Regard the utterances and mandates of age as wisdom
Regular messenger and carrier-dove service had been established
Remember, a lie and your death are one and the same
Repeated the exclamation: “Too late!” and again, “Too late!”
Repos ailleurs
Repugnance for the old laws began to take root in his heart
Required courage to be cowardly
Resistance always brings out a man’s best powers
Retreat behind the high-sounding words “justice and law”
Robes cut as to leave the right breast uncovered
Romantic love, as we know it, a result of Christianity
Rules of life given by one man to another are useless
Scarcely be able to use so large a sum—Then abuse it
Scorned the censure of the people, he never lost sight of it
Sea-port was connected with Medina by a pigeon-post
Seditious words are like sparks, which are borne by the wind
See facts as they are and treat them like figures in a sum
Seems most charming at the time we are obliged to resign it
Self-interest and egoism which drive him into the cave
Sent for a second interpreter
Shadow which must ever fall where there is light
Shadow of the candlestick caught her eye before the light
She would not purchase a few more years of valueless life
Shipwrecked on the cliffs of ‘better’ and ‘best’
Should I be a man, if I forgot vengeance?
Shuns the downward glance of compassion
Sing their libels on women (Greek Philosophers)
Sky as bare of cloud as the rocks are of shrubs and herbs
Sleep avoided them both, and each knew that the other was awake
Smell most powerful of all the senses in awakening memory
So long as we are able to hope and wish
So long as we do not think ourselves wretched, we are not so
So hard is it to forego the right of hating
Some caution is needed even in giving a warning
Soul which ceases to regard death as a misfortune finds peace
Speaking ill of others is their greatest delight
Spoilt to begin with by their mothers, and then all the women
Preferred a winding path to a straight one
Prepare sorrow when we come into the world
Prepared for the worst; then you are armed against failure
Pretended to see nothing in the old woman’s taunts
Priests that they should instruct the people to be obedient
Priests: in order to curb the unruly conduct of the populace
Principle of over-estimating the strength of our opponents
Provide yourself with a self-devised ruler
Rapture and anguish—who can lay down the border line
Readers often like best what is most incredible
Reason is a feeble weapon in contending with a woman
Refreshed by the whip of one of the horsemen
Regard the utterances and mandates of age as wisdom
Regular messenger and carrier-dove service had been established
Remember, a lie and your death are one and the same
Repeated the exclamation: “Too late!” and again, “Too late!”
Repos ailleurs
Repugnance for the old laws began to take root in his heart
Required courage to be cowardly
Resistance always brings out a man’s best powers
Retreat behind the high-sounding words “justice and law”
Robes cut as to leave the right breast uncovered
Romantic love, as we know it, a result of Christianity
Rules of life given by one man to another are useless
Scarcely be able to use so large a sum—Then abuse it
Scorned the censure of the people, he never lost sight of it
Sea-port was connected with Medina by a pigeon-post
Seditious words are like sparks, which are borne by the wind
See facts as they are and treat them like figures in a sum
Seems most charming at the time we are obliged to resign it
Self-interest and egoism which drive him into the cave
Sent for a second interpreter
Shadow which must ever fall where there is light
Shadow of the candlestick caught her eye before the light
She would not purchase a few more years of valueless life
Shipwrecked on the cliffs of ‘better’ and ‘best’
Should I be a man, if I forgot vengeance?
Shuns the downward glance of compassion
Sing their libels on women (Greek Philosophers)
Sky as bare of cloud as the rocks are of shrubs and herbs
Sleep avoided them both, and each knew that the other was awake
Smell most powerful of all the senses in awakening memory
So long as we are able to hope and wish
So long as we do not think ourselves wretched, we are not so
So hard is it to forego the right of hating
Some caution is needed even in giving a warning
Soul which ceases to regard death as a misfortune finds peace
Speaking ill of others is their greatest delight
Spoilt to begin with by their mothers, and then all the women