Margery — Complete eBook

Georg Ebers
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 570 pages of information about Margery — Complete.

Margery — Complete eBook

Georg Ebers
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 570 pages of information about Margery — Complete.

My cheeks were red from the snow-storm, yet rage made them even hotter as I hastened up-stairs.  But before I could speak a single word Cousin Maud, with whom were the Magister and old Pirkheimer the member of council, cried out as soon as she saw me:  “Only imagine, Margery, what rare tidings his Excellency has brought us.”  And she went on to tell me, with great joy, while his worship added facts now and then, that the Magister had since yestereve become a rich man, inasmuch as his godmother, old Dame Oelhaf, had died, leaving him no small wealth.

This was verily marvellous and joyful hearing, for many had imagined the deceased to be a needy woman who had carried on the business left her by her husband, albeit she had no service but that of an ill-paid shop-lad, who was like one of the lean ears of Pharaoh’s dream and moreover blind of one eye.  Nevertheless I remembered well that her little shop, which was no greater than a fair-sized closet, had ever been filled with buyers when we had stolen in, against all commands, to buy a few dried figs.  I can see the little crippled mistress now as she limped across the shop or along the street, and the boys would call after her:  “Hip hop!  Lame duck!” and all Nuremberg knew her better by the nickname of the Lame Duck than by her husband’s.

That the poor little woman had departed this life we had all heard yestereve; but even the Magister had fully believed that her leavings would scarce be worth the pains of a walk to the town hall.  But now the learned advocate told him that by her will, drawn up and attested according to law, she had devised to him all she had to leave as being the only child she had ever been thought worthy to hold at the font.

Then, due inquisition being made in her little place, a goodly number of worn stockings were found in the straw of her bed and other hiding places, and in them, instead of her lean little legs, many a gulden and Hungarian ducat of good gold.  Moreover she had a house at Nordlingen and a mill at Schwabach, and thus the inheritance that had come to Magister Peter was altogether no small matter.

The simple man had never hoped for such fortune, and it was in truth laughable to see how he forgot his dignity, and leaped first on one foot and then the other, crying:  “No, no!  It cannot be true!  Then poor Irus is become rich Croesus!”

And thus he went on till he left us with Master Perkheimer.  Then I laughed with my cousin; and when I was once more alone I marvelled at the mercy of a benevolent Providence, by whose ruling a small joy makes us to forget our heavy griefs, though it were but for a moment.

Project Gutenberg
Margery — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.