Margery — Volume 06 eBook

Georg Ebers
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 76 pages of information about Margery — Volume 06.

Margery — Volume 06 eBook

Georg Ebers
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 76 pages of information about Margery — Volume 06.

And she shook the dresser so that the precious glass cup which the German merchants of the Fondaco at Venice had given to my father at his departing, fell to the floor and was broken to pieces with a loud crash.

We had hearkened to her ravings as though spellbound and frozen; and when we at last took heart to put an end to her wild talk, lo, she was gone, and flying down the stairs with long strides.

Herdegen, who had turned pale, struggled to command himself.  Cousin Maud, who had lost her breath with dismay, burst into loud weeping; the wild maid’s curse had fallen heavy on her soul.  I alone kept my senses, so far as to go to the window and look out at her.  I saw her walking along, hanging her head; the serving man carried the lantern before her, and the Bohemian was speaking close in her ear.

When I came back into the chamber Cousin Maud had her arm round Herdegen, and was saying to him, with many tears, that the curse of the wicked had no power over a pious and faithful Christian; yet he quitted her in haste to seek Ann, who doubtless would have stayed in the next chamber, and perchance needed his succor.  Howbeit the door was opened, and we could scarce believe our eyes when she came in with that same roguish smile which she was wont to wear when, in playing hide-and-seek, she had stolen home past the seeker, and she cried:  “Thank the Virgin that the air is clear once more!  You may laugh, but in truth I fled up to the very garret for sheer dread of Mistress Tetzel.  Did she come to fetch her bridegroom?”

Herdegen could not refrain from smiling at this question, and we likewise did the same; even Cousin Maud, who till this moment had sat on the couch like one crushed, with her feet stretched out before her, made a face and cried:  “To fetch him!  Ursula who has caught the Bohemian!  She is a monster!  Were ever such doings seen in our good town?—­And her mother was so wise, so worthy a woman!  And the hussy is but nineteen!—­Merciful Father, what will she be at forty or fifty, when most women only begin to be wicked!” And thus she went on for some while.

Ere long we forgot Ursula and all the hateful to-do, and passed the precious hours in much content, till after midnight, when the Pernharts sent to fetch Ann home.  Herdegen and I would walk with her.  After a grievous yet hopeful leave-taking I came home again, leaning on his arm, through the cool autumn night.

When I now admonished Herdegen as we walked, as to the fair Marchesa and her letter, he declared to me that in those evil weeks he had spent in bitter yearning as a serving man in the bee-keeper’s hut, he had learned to know his own mind.  Neither the Marchesa, whom he scorned from the bottom of his heart, inasmuch as, with all her beauty, she was full of craft and lies, no, nor event Dame Venus herself could now turn him aside from the love and duty he had sworn to Ann.  He would, indeed, take ship from Genoa rather than from Venice, were it not for shame of such fears of his own weakness, and that he longed once more to set eyes on our brother Kunz whom he had not seen for so long a space.

Project Gutenberg
Margery — Volume 06 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.