Thorny Path, a — Complete eBook

Georg Ebers
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 769 pages of information about Thorny Path, a — Complete.

Thorny Path, a — Complete eBook

Georg Ebers
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 769 pages of information about Thorny Path, a — Complete.

The blaze of light shone, too, on many a fray, such as flared up in an instant whenever Greek and Roman came into contact.  The lictors and townwatch could generally succeed in parting the combatants, for the orders of the authorities were that they should in every case side with the Romans.

The shouts and squabbling of men, the laughing and singing of women, mingled with the word of command.  Flutes and lyres, cymbals and drums, were heard from the trellised tavern arbors and cook-shops along the way; and from the little temple to Aphrodite, where Melissa had promised to meet the Roman physician next morning, came the laughter and song of unbridled lovers.  As a rule, the Kanopic Way was the busiest and gayest street in the town; but on this night the street of Hermes had been the most popular, for it led to the Serapeum, where Caesar was lodged; and from the temple poured a tide of pleasure-seekers, mingling with the flood of humanity which streamed on to catch a glimpse of imperial splendor, or to look at the troops encamped on the space in front of the Serapeum.  The whole street was like a crowded fair; and Alexander had several times to follow Agatha and her escort out into the roadway, quitting the shelter of the arcade, to escape a party of rioters or the impertinent addresses of strangers.

The sham old man, however, was so clever at making way for the damsel, whose face and form were effectually screened by her kerchief from the passers-by, that Alexander had no opportunity for offering her his aid, or proving his devotion by some gallant act.  That it was his duty to save her from the perils of spending a whole night under the protection of this venal deceiver and her worthless colleague, he had long since convinced himself; still, the fear of bringing her into a more painful position by attracting the attention of the crowd if he were to attack her escort, kept him back.

They had now stopped again under the colonnade, on the left-hand side of the road.  Castor had taken the girl’s hand, and, as he bade her good-night, promised, in emphatic tones, to be with her again very early and escort her to the lake.  Agatha thanked him warmly.  At this a storm of rage blew Alexander’s self-command to the four winds, and, before he knew what he was doing; he stood between the rascal and the Christian damsel, snatched their hands asunder, gripping Castor’s wrist with his strong right hand, while he held Agatha’s firmly in his left, and exclaimed: 

“You are being foully tricked, fair maid; the woman, even, is deceiving you.  This fellow is a base villain!”

And, releasing the arm which Castor was desperately but vainly trying to free from his clutch, he snatched off the false beard.

Project Gutenberg
Thorny Path, a — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.