Thorny Path, a — Volume 06 eBook

Georg Ebers
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 97 pages of information about Thorny Path, a — Volume 06.

Thorny Path, a — Volume 06 eBook

Georg Ebers
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 97 pages of information about Thorny Path, a — Volume 06.

“And I maintain,” cried Berenike—­and her large eyes flamed angrily—­” it is criminal to ignore my advice.  Fate has robbed you as well as me of a dear child.  I will not also lose this one, who is as precious to me as a daughter.”

Melissa bent over the lady’s hands and kissed them gratefully, exclaiming with tearful eyes, “But he has been very good to me, and has assured me-”

“Assured!” repeated Berenike disdainfully.  She then drew the young girl impetuously toward her, kissed her on her forehead, placed her hands on her head as if to protect her, and turned to the artist as she continued: 

“I stand by what I recommended before.  This very night Melissa must get far away from here.  You, Alexander, must accompany her.  My own ship, the ’Berenike and Korinna’—­Seleukus gave it to me and my daughter—­is ready to start.  My sister lives in Carthage.  Her husband, the first man in the city, is my friend.  You will find protection and shelter in their house.”

“And how about our father and Philip?” interrupted Alexander.  “If we follow your advice, it is certain death to them!”

The matron laughed scornfully.

“And that is what you expect from this good, this great and noble sovereign!”

“He proves himself full of favors to his friends,” answered Alexander, “but woe betide those who offend him!”

Berenike looked thoughtfully at the ground, and added, more quietly: 

“Then try first to release your people, and afterward embark on my ship.  It shall be ready for you.  Melissa will use it, I know.—­My veil, child!  The chariot waits for me at the Temple of Isis.—­You will accompany me there, Alexander, and we will drive to the harbor.  There I will introduce you to the captain.  It will be wise.  Your father and brother are dearer to you than your sister; she is more important to me.  If only I could go away myself—­away from here, from the desolate house, and take her with me!”

And she raised her arm, as if she would throw a stone into the distance.

She impetuously embraced the young girl, took leave of her sister-in-law, and left the room with Alexander.

Directly Euryale was alone with Melissa, she comforted the girl in her kind, composed manner; for the unhappy matron’s gloomy presentiments had filled Melissa with fresh anxieties.

And what had she not gone through during the day!

Soon after her perilous interview with Caracalla, Timotheus, with the chief of the astrologers from the Serapeum, and the emperor’s astronomer, had come to her, to ask her on what day and at what hour she was born.  They also inquired concerning the birthdays of her parents, and other events of her life.  Timotheus had informed her that the emperor had ordered them to cast her nativity.

Project Gutenberg
Thorny Path, a — Volume 06 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.