Cleopatra — Volume 08 eBook

Georg Ebers
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 72 pages of information about Cleopatra — Volume 08.

Cleopatra — Volume 08 eBook

Georg Ebers
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 72 pages of information about Cleopatra — Volume 08.

Dion feared nothing from the royal boy on his own account, but for his wife’s sake he dared not disregard his friend’s warning.  This was hard; for though he still felt happy on the island, he longed to install the woman he loved in his own house, and every impulse of his nature urged him to be present at the meetings of the Council in these fateful times.  Therefore he was more than ready to risk returning to the city, but Barine entreated him so earnestly not to exchange the secure happiness they enjoyed here for a greater one, behind which might lurk the heaviest misfortune, that he yielded.  Another letter from Charmian soon proved the absolute necessity of continuing to exercise caution.

Even from the island they could perceive that everything known as festal pleasure was rife in Alexandria, and bore along in its mad revelry the court and the citizens.  When the wind blew from the south, it brought single notes of inspiring music or indistinct sounds of the wildest popular rejoicing.

The fisherman’s daughter, Dione, often called them to the strand to admire the galleys adorned with fabulous splendour, garlanded with flowers, and echoing with the music of lutes and the melody of songs.  Sails of purple embroidered silk bore the vessels over the smooth tide.  Once the watchers even distinguished, upon a barge richly adorned with gilded carving, young female slaves who, with floating hair and transparent sea-green robes, handled, in the guise of Nereids, light sandal-wood oars with golden blades.  Often the breeze bore to the island the perfumes which surrounded the galleys, and on calm nights the magnificent ships, surrounded by the magical illumination of many-hued lamps, swept across the mirror-like surface of the waves, Among the voyagers were gods, goddesses, and heroes who, standing or reclining in beautiful groups, represented scenes from the myths and history.  On the deck of the Queen’s superb vessel guests crowned with wreaths lay on purple couches, under garlands of flowers, eating choice viands and draining golden wine-cups.

On other nights the illumination of the shore of the Bruchium rendered it as bright as day.  The huge dome of the Serapeum on the Rhakotis, covered with lamps, towered above the flat roofs of the city like the starry firmament of a smaller world which had descended to earth.  Every temple and palace was transformed into a giant candelabrum, and the rows of lamps on the quay stretched like tendrils of light from the dazzlingly illuminated marble Temple of Poseidon to the palace at Lochias, steeped in radiance.

When Pyrrhus or one of his sons returned from market they described the festivals and shows, banquets, races, and endless pleasure excursions arranged by the court, which made the citizens fairly hold their breath.  It was a prosperous time for the fishermen; the Queen’s cooks took all their wares and paid a liberal price.

January had come, when another letter arrived from Charmian.  Dion and Barine had watched in vain for any unusual events on Cleopatra’s birth day, but on Antony’s, a few days later, there was plenty of music and shouting, and in the evening an unusually magnificent illumination.

Project Gutenberg
Cleopatra — Volume 08 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.