Cleopatra — Volume 03 eBook

Georg Ebers
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 60 pages of information about Cleopatra — Volume 03.

Cleopatra — Volume 03 eBook

Georg Ebers
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 60 pages of information about Cleopatra — Volume 03.

“The royal boy gazed into the dull eyes of the victim, who had guided the destinies of many a battlefield, of Rome, of two quarters of the globe.  The sight was probably too terrible for the child upon the throne, for he averted his head.  The ship moved away from the land, the Egyptians formed into ranks and marched off.  Achillas cleansed his blood-stained hands in the sea-water.  The freedman beside him washed his master’s headless trunk.  The general shrugged his shoulders as the faithful fellow heaped reproaches on him.”

Here Archibius paused, drawing a long breath.  Then he continued more calmly: 

“Achillas did not lead the troops back to Alexandria, but eastward, towards Pelusium, as I learned later.

“My brother and I stood on the rocky edge of the ravine.  It was long ere either spoke.  A cloud of dust concealed the King and his body-guard, the sails of the galley disappeared.  Twilight closed in, and Straton pointed westward towards Alexandria.  Then the sun set.  Red! red!  It seemed as if a torrent of blood was pouring over the city.

“Night followed.  A scanty fire was glimmering on the strand.  Where had the wood been gathered in this desert?  How had it been kindled?  A wrecked, mouldering boat had lain close beside the scene of the murder.  The freedman and his companions had broken it up and fed the flames with withered boughs, the torn garments of the murdered man, and dry sea-weed.  A blaze soon rose, and a body was carefully placed upon the wretched funeral pyre.  It was the corpse of the great Pompey.  One of the Imperator’s veterans aided the faithful servant.”

Here Archibius sank back again among the cushions, adding in explanation: 

“Cordus, the man’s name was Servius Cordus.  He fared well later.  The Queen provided for him.  The others?  Fate overtook them all soon enough.  Theodotus was condemned by Brutus to a torturing death.  Amid his loud shrieks of agony one of Pompey’s veterans shouted, ’Dead dogs no longer bite, but they howl when dying!’

“It was worthy of Caesar that he averted his face in horror from the head of his enemy, which Theodotus sent to him.  Pothinus, too, vainly awaited the reward of his infamous deed.

“Julius Caesar had cast anchor before Alexandria shortly after the King’s return.  Not until after his arrival in Egypt did he learn how Pompey had been received there.  You know that he remained nine months.  How often I have heard it said that Cleopatra understood how to chain him here!  This is both true and false.  He was obliged to stay half a year; the following three months he did indeed give to the woman whom he loved.  Ay, the heart of the man of fifty-four had again opened to a great passion.  Like all wounds, those inflicted by the arrows of Eros heal more slowly when youth lies behind the stricken one.  It was not only the eyes and the senses which attracted a couple so

Project Gutenberg
Cleopatra — Volume 03 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.