Under the Andes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 335 pages of information about Under the Andes.

Under the Andes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 335 pages of information about Under the Andes.

We bathed Desiree’s hands and face and gave her water to drink, and soon after she passed into a seemingly healthy sleep.  There was about ten pounds of meat left.  Harry washed it in the stream and stowed it away on a rock beneath the surface of the water.  Then he announced his intention of going back for more.

“I’m going with you,” I declared.  “Here—­help me fix Desiree.”

“Hardly,” said Harry.  “Didn’t I say there are millions of those things over there?  Anyway, there are hundreds.  If they should happen to scatter in this direction and find her, she wouldn’t stand a chance.  You take the other spear and stay here.”

So I sat still, with Desiree’s body in my arms, and waited for him.  My sensations were not unpleasant.  I could actually feel the blood quicken in my veins.

Civilization places the temple of life in the soul or the heart, as she speaks through the mouth of the preacher or the poet; but let civilization go for four or five days without anything to eat and see what happens.  The organ is vulgar, but its voice is loud.  I need not name it.

In five minutes Harry returned, dragging two more of the creatures at his heels.  In half an hour there were a dozen of them lying in a heap at the edge of the water.

“That’s all,” he announced, panting heavily from his exertions.  “The rest have taken to the woods, which, I imagine, is quite a journey from here.  You ought to see our friend—­the one who couldn’t make his eyes behave.  They’ve eaten him full of holes.  He’s the most awful mess—­sickening beast.  He didn’t have a bone in him—­all crumpled up like an accordion.  Utterly spineless.”

“And who, in the name of goodness, do you think is going to eat all that?” I demanded, pointing to the heap of bodies.

Harry grinned.

“I don’t know.  I was so excited at the very idea of a square meal that I didn’t know when to stop.  I’d give five fingers for a fire and some salt.  Just a nickel’s worth of salt.  Now, you lie down and sleep while I cut these things up, and then I’ll take a turn at it myself?”

He brought me one of the hides for a pillow, and I lay back as gently as possible that I might not awaken Desiree.  Her head and shoulders rested against my body as she lay peacefully sleeping.

I was awakened by Harry’s hand tugging at my arm.  Rising on my elbows, I demanded to know how long I had slept.

“Six or seven hours,” said Harry.  “I waited as long as I could.  Keep a lookout.”

Desiree stirred uneasily, but seemed to be still asleep.  I sat up, rubbing my eyes.  The heap of bodies had disappeared; no wonder Harry was tired!  I reproached myself for having slept so long.

Harry had arranged himself a bed that was really comfortable with the skins of his kill.

“That is great stuff,” I heard him murmur wearily; then all was still.

Project Gutenberg
Under the Andes from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.