An Egyptian Princess — Volume 10 eBook

Georg Ebers
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 91 pages of information about An Egyptian Princess — Volume 10.

An Egyptian Princess — Volume 10 eBook

Georg Ebers
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 91 pages of information about An Egyptian Princess — Volume 10.

A few weeks after this, the king went to Sais, and there was shown the rooms formerly occupied by his bride.  This brought back all the old painful recollections in full force, and at the same time his clouded memory reminded him, though without any clearness of detail, that Amasis had deceived both Nitetis and himself.  He cursed the dead king and furiously demanded to be taken to the temple of Neith, where his mummy was laid.  There he tore the embalmed body out of its sarcophagus, caused it to be scourged, to be stabbed with pins, had the hair torn off and maltreated it in every possible way.  In conclusion, and contrary to the ancient Persian religious law, which held the pollution of pure fire by corpses to be a deadly sin, he caused Amasis’ dead body to be burnt, and condemned the mummy of his first wife, which lay in a sarcophagus at Thebes, her native place, to the same fate.

On his return to Memphis, Cambyses did not shrink from personally ill-treating his wife and sister, Atossa.

He had ordered a combat of wild beasts to take place, during which, amongst other entertainments of the same kind, a dog was to fight with a young lion.  The lion had conquered his antagonist, when another dog, the brother of the conquered one, broke away from his chain, attacked the lion, and with the help of the wounded dog, vanquished him.

This scene delighted Cambyses, but Kassandane and Atossa, who had been forced by the king’s command to be present, began to weep aloud.

The tyrant was astonished, and on asking the reason for their tears, received as answer from the impetuous Atossa, that the brave creature who had risked its own life to save its brother, reminded her of Bartja.  She would not say by whom he had been murdered, but his murder had never been avenged.

These words so roused the king’s anger, and so goaded his conscience, that in a fit of insane fury he struck the daring woman, and might possibly have killed her, if his mother had not thrown herself into his arms and exposed her own body to his mad blows.

Her voice and action checked his rage, for he had not lost reverence for his mother; but her look of intense anger and contempt, which he clearly saw and could not forget, begot a fresh delusion in his mind.  He believed from that moment, that the eyes of women had power to poison him; he started and hid himself behind his companions whenever he saw a woman, and at last commanded that all the female inhabitants of the palace at Memphis, his mother not excepted, should be sent back to Ecbatana.  Araspes and Gyges were appointed to be their escort thither.


The caravan of queens and princesses had arrived at Sais; they alighted at the royal palace.  Croesus had accompanied them thus far on their way from Egypt.

Kassandane had altered very much during the last few years.  Grief and suffering had worn deep lines in her once beautiful face, though they had had no power to bow her stately figure.

Project Gutenberg
An Egyptian Princess — Volume 10 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.