Without a Home eBook

Edward Payson Roe
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 645 pages of information about Without a Home.

Without a Home eBook

Edward Payson Roe
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 645 pages of information about Without a Home.

The trusting, happy wife grew so rosy with pleasure, and her tread was so elastic from maternal pride and exultation at the prospects of her daughters, that his compliments seemed scarcely exaggerated.

“Never fear, Nan,” he said, in a gush of feeling; “I’ll take care of you whatever happens,” and the glad smile she turned upon him proved that she doubted his words no more than her own existence.

They were eminently proper words for a husband to address to his wife, but the circumstances under which they were uttered made them maudlin sentiment rather than a manly pledge.  As spoken, they were so ominous that the loving woman might well have trembled and lost her girlish flush.  But even through the lurid hopes and vague prospects created by dangerous stimulants, Mr. Jocelyn saw, dimly, the spectre of coming trouble, and he added: 

“But, Nan, we must economize—­we really must.”

“Foolish man!” laughed his wife; “always preaching economy, but never practicing it.”

“Would to God I had millions to lavish on you!” he exclaimed, with tears of mawkish feeling and honest affection mingled as they never should in a true man’s eyes.

“Lavish your love, Martin,” replied the wife, “and I’ll be content.”

That night she laid her head upon her pillow without misgiving.

Mrs. Jocelyn was the daughter of a Southern planter, and in her early home had been accustomed to a condition of chronic financial embarrassment and easy-going, careless abundance.  The war had swept away her father and brothers with the last remnant of the mortgaged property.

Young Jocelyn’s antecedents had been somewhat similar, and they had married much as the birds pair, without knowing very definitely where or how the home nest would be constructed.  He, however, had secured a good education, and was endowed with fair business capacities.  He was thus enabled for a brief time before the war to provide a comfortable support in a Southern city for his wife and little daughter Mildred, and the fact that he was a gentleman by birth and breeding gave him better social advantages than mere wealth could have obtained.  At the beginning of the struggle he was given a commission in the Confederate army, but with the exception of a few slight scratches and many hardships escaped unharmed.  After the conflict was over, the ex-officer came to the North, against which he had so bravely and zealously fought, and was pleased to find that there was no prejudice worth naming against him on this account.  His good record enabled him to obtain a position in a large iron warehouse, and in consideration of his ability to control a certain amount of Southern trade he was eventually given an interest in the business.  This apparent advancement induced him to believe that he might safely rent, in one of the many cross-streets up town, the pretty home in which we find him.  The fact that their expenses had always a little more than kept pace with their income did not trouble Mrs. Jocelyn, for she had been accustomed to an annual deficit from childhood.  Some way had always been provided, and she had a sort of blind faith that some way always would be.  Mr. Jocelyn also had fallen into rather soldier-like ways, and after being so free with Confederate scrip, with difficulty learned the value of paper money of a different color.

Project Gutenberg
Without a Home from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.