Emile eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 880 pages of information about Emile.

Emile eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 880 pages of information about Emile.

Leave him to himself and watch his actions without speaking, consider what he is doing and how he sets about it.  He does not require to convince himself that he is free, so he never acts thoughtlessly and merely to show that he can do what he likes; does he not know that he is always his own master?  He is quick, alert, and ready; his movements are eager as befits his age, but you will not find one which has no end in view.  Whatever he wants, he will never attempt what is beyond his powers, for he has learnt by experience what those powers are; his means will always be adapted to the end in view, and he will rarely attempt anything without the certainty of success; his eye is keen and true; he will not be so stupid as to go and ask other people about what he sees; he will examine it on his own account, and before he asks he will try every means at his disposal to discover what he wants to know for himself.  If he lights upon some unexpected difficulty, he will be less upset than others; if there is danger he will be less afraid.  His imagination is still asleep and nothing has been done to arouse it; he only sees what is really there, and rates the danger at its true worth; so he never loses his head.  He does not rebel against necessity, her hand is too heavy upon him; he has borne her yoke all his life long, he is well used to it; he is always ready for anything.

Work or play are all one to him, his games are his work; he knows no difference.  He brings to everything the cheerfulness of interest, the charm of freedom, and he snows the bent of his own mind and the extent of his knowledge.  Is there anything better worth seeing, anything more touching or more delightful, than a pretty child, with merry, cheerful glance, easy contented manner, open smiling countenance, playing at the most important things, or working at the lightest amusements?

Would you now judge him by comparison?  Set him among other children and leave him to himself.  You will soon see which has made most progress, which comes nearer to the perfection of childhood.  Among all the children in the town there is none more skilful and none so strong.  Among young peasants he is their equal in strength and their superior in skill.  In everything within a child’s grasp he judges, reasons, and shows a forethought beyond the rest.  Is it a matter of action, running, jumping, or shifting things, raising weights or estimating distance, inventing games, carrying off prizes; you might say, “Nature obeys his word,” so easily does he bend all things to his will.  He is made to lead, to rule his fellows; talent and experience take the place of right and authority.  In any garb, under any name, he will still be first; everywhere he will rule the rest, they will always feel his superiority, he will be master without knowing it, and they will serve him unawares.

Project Gutenberg
Emile from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.