The Memoirs of Count Grammont — Volume 04 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 42 pages of information about The Memoirs of Count Grammont — Volume 04.

The Memoirs of Count Grammont — Volume 04 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 42 pages of information about The Memoirs of Count Grammont — Volume 04.
all which, madam, I come to present to you, along with my person.  One present, I agree, is not worth much without the other, and therefore I put them together.  I am advised to go to some of the watering places for something of an asthma, which, in all probability, cannot continue much longer, as I have had it for these last twenty years:  if you look upon me as worthy of the happiness of belonging to you, I shall propose it to your father, to whom I did not think it right to apply before I was acquainted with your sentiments:  my nephew William is at present entirely ignorant of my intention; but I believe he will not be sorry for it, though he will thereby see himself deprived of a pretty considerable estate; for he has great affection for me, and besides, he has a pleasure in paying his respects to you since he has perceived my attachment.  I am very much pleased that he should make his court to me, by the attention he pays to you; for he did nothing but squander his money upon that coquet Middleton, while at present he is at no expense, though he frequents the best company in England.”

Miss Hamilton had much difficulty to suppress her laughter during this harangue:  however, she told him that she thought herself much honoured by his intentions towards her, and still more obliged to him for consulting her, before he made any overtures to her relations:  “It will be time enough,” said she, “to speak to them upon the subject at your return from the waters; for I do not think it is at all probable that they will dispose of me before that time, and in case they should be urgent in their solicitations, your nephew William will take care to acquaint you; therefore, you may set out whenever you think proper; but take care not to injure your health by returning too soon.”

The Chevalier de Grammont, having heard the particulars of this conversation, endeavoured, as well as he could, to be entertained with it; though there were certain circumstances in the declaration, notwithstanding the absurdity of others, which did not fail to give him some uneasiness.  Upon the whole, he was not sorry for Russell’s departure; and, assuming an air of pleasantry, he went to relate to the king how Heaven had favoured him by delivering him from so dangerous a rival.  “He is gone then, Chevalier,” said the king.  “Certainly, sir,” said he; “I had the honour to see him embark in a coach, with his asthma, and country equipage, his perruque a calotte, neatly tied with a yellow riband, and his old-fashioned hat covered with oil skin, which becomes him uncommonly well:  therefore, I have only to contend with William Russell, whom he leaves as his resident with Miss Hamilton; and as for him, I neither fear him upon his own account, nor his uncle’s; he is too much in love himself to pay attention to the interests of another; and as he has but one method of promoting his own, which is by sacrificing the portrait, or some love-letters of Mrs. Middleton, I have it easily in my power to counteract him in such kind of favours, though I confess I have pretty well paid for them.”

Project Gutenberg
The Memoirs of Count Grammont — Volume 04 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.