Afoot in England eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Afoot in England.

Afoot in England eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Afoot in England.
was the large English blonde, and there were so many individuals of this type that they gave a character to the crowd so that those of a different physique and colour appeared to be fewer than they were and were almost overlooked.  They came from various places about the country, in the north and the Midlands, and appeared to be of the well-to-do classes; they, or many of them, were with their families but without their lords.  They were mostly tall and large in every way, very white-skinned, with light or golden hair and large light blue eyes.  A common character of these women was their quiet reposeful manner; they walked and talked and rose up and sat down and did everything, in fact, with an air of deliberation; they gazed in a slow steady way at you, and were dignified, some even majestic, and were like a herd of large beautiful white cows.  The children, too, especially the girls, some almost as tall as their large mothers, though still in short frocks, were very fine.  The one pastime of these was paddling, and it was a delight to see their bare feet and legs.  The legs of those who had been longest on the spot —­probably several weeks in some instances—­were of a deep nutty brown hue suffused with pink; after these a gradation of colour, light brown tinged with buff, pinkish buff and cream, like the Gloire de Dijon rose; and so on to the delicate tender pink of the clover blossom; and, finally, the purest ivory white of the latest arrivals whose skins had not yet been caressed and coloured by sun and wind.

How beautiful are the feet of these girls by the sea who bring us glad tidings of a better time to come and the day of a nobler courage, a freer larger life when garments which have long oppressed and hindered shall have been cast away!  It was, as I have said, mere chance which had brought so many persons of a particular type together on this occasion, and I thought I might go there year after year and never see the like again.  As a fact I did return when August came round and found a crowd of a different character.  The type was there but did not predominate:  it was no longer the herd of beautiful white and strawberry cows with golden horns and large placid eyes.  Nothing in fact was the same, for when I looked for the swifts there were no more than about twenty birds instead of over a hundred, and although just on the eve of departure they were not behaving in the same excited manner.

Probably I should not have thought so much about that particular crowd in that tempestuous August, and remembered it so vividly, but for the presence of three persons in it and the strange contrast they made to the large white type I have described.  These were a woman and her two little girls, aged about eight and ten respectively, but very small for their years.  She was a little black haired and black-eyed woman with a pale sad dark face, on which some great grief or tragedy had left its shadow; very quiet and subdued

Project Gutenberg
Afoot in England from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.