Short Stories for English Courses eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 496 pages of information about Short Stories for English Courses.

Short Stories for English Courses eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 496 pages of information about Short Stories for English Courses.
reverse, just as I had made it.  My first idea, now, was mere surprise at the really remarkable similarity of outline—­at the singular coincidence involved in the fact that, unknown to me, there should have been a skull upon the other side of the parchment, immediately beneath my figure of the scarabaeus, and that this skull, not only in outline, but in size, should so closely resemble my drawing.  I say the singularity of this coincidence absolutely stupefied me for a time.  This is the usual effect of such coincidences.  The mind struggles to establish a connection—­a sequence of cause and effect—­and, being unable to do so, suffers a species of temporary paralysis.  But, when I recovered from this stupor, there dawned upon me gradually a conviction which startled me even far more than the coincidence.  I began distinctly, positively, to remember that there had been no drawing on the parchment when I made my sketch of the scarabaeus.  I became perfectly certain of this; for I recollected turning up first one side and then the other, in search of the cleanest spot.  Had the skull been then there, of course I could not have failed to notice it.  Here was indeed a mystery which I felt it impossible to explain; but, even at that early moment, there seemed to glimmer, faintly, within the most remote and secret chambers of my intellect, a glowworm-like conception of that truth which last night’s adventure brought to so magnificent a demonstration.  I arose at once, and, putting the parchment securely away, dismissed all farther reflection until I should be alone.

“When you had gone, and when Jupiter was fast asleep, I betook myself to a more methodical investigation of the affair.  In the first place I considered the manner in which the parchment had come into my possession.  The spot where we discovered the scarabaeus was on the coast of the mainland, about a mile eastward of the island, and but a short distance above high-water mark.  Upon my taking hold of it, it gave me a sharp bite, which caused me to let it drop.  Jupiter, with his accustomed caution, before seizing the insect, which had flown towards him, looked about him for a leaf, or something of that nature, by which to take hold of it.  It was at this moment that his eyes, and mine also, fell upon the scrap of parchment, which I then supposed to be paper, It was lying half buried in the sand, a corner sticking up.  Near the spot where we found it, I observed the remnants of the hull of what appeared to have been a ship’s long boat.  The wreck seemed to have been there for a very great while; for the resemblance to boat timbers could scarcely be traced.

“Well, Jupiter picked up the parchment, wrapped the beetle in it, and gave it to me.  Soon afterwards we turned to go home, and on the way met Lieutenant G——.  I showed him the insect, and he begged me to let him take it to the fort.  On my consenting, he thrust it forthwith into his waistcoat pocket, without the parchment in which it had been wrapped, and which I had continued to hold in my hand during his inspection.  Perhaps he dreaded my changing my mind, and thought it best to make sure of the prize at once—­you know how enthusiastic he is on all subjects connected with Natural History.  At the same time, without being conscious of it, I must have deposited the parchment in my own pocket.

Project Gutenberg
Short Stories for English Courses from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.