Short Stories for English Courses eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 496 pages of information about Short Stories for English Courses.

Short Stories for English Courses eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 496 pages of information about Short Stories for English Courses.

It became necessary, at last, that I should arouse both master and valet to the expediency of removing the treasure.  It was growing late, and it behooved us to make exertion, that we might get everything housed before daylight.  It was difficult to say what should be done, and much time was spent in deliberation—­so confused were the ideas of all.  We finally lightened the box by removing two-thirds of its contents, when we were enabled, with some trouble, to raise it from the hole.  The articles taken out were deposited among the brambles, and the dog left to guard them, with strict orders from Jupiter neither, upon any pretence, to stir from the spot, nor to open his mouth until our return.  We then hurriedly made for home with the chest; reaching the hut in safety, but after excessive toil, at one o’clock in the morning.  Worn out as we were, it was not in human nature to do more just now.  We rested until two, and had supper; starting for the hills immediately afterwards, armed with three stout sacks, which by good luck were upon the premises.  A little before four we arrived at the pit, divided the remainder of the booty, as equally as might be, among us, and, leaving the holes unfilled, again set out for the hut, at which, for the second time, we deposited our golden burdens, just as the first streaks of the dawn gleamed from over the tree-tops in the East.

We were now thoroughly broken down; but the intense excitement of the time denied us repose.  After an unquiet slumber of some three or four hours’ duration, we arose, as if by pre-concert, to make examination of our treasure.

The chest had been full to the brim, and we spent the whole day, and the greater part of the next night, in a scrutiny of its contents.  There had been nothing like order or arrangement.  Everything had been heaped in promiscuously.  Having assorted all with care, we found ourselves possessed of even vaster wealth than we had at first supposed.  In coin there was rather more than four hundred and fifty thousand dollars:  estimating the value of the pieces, as accurately as we could, by the tables of the period.  There was not a particle of silver.  All was gold of antique date and of great variety:  French, Spanish, and German money, with a few English guineas, and some counters, of which we had never seen specimens before.  There were several very large and heavy coins, so worn that we could make nothing of their inscriptions.  There was no American money.  The value of the jewels we found more difficulty in estimating.  There were diamonds—­some of them exceedingly large and fine—­a hundred and ten in all, and not one of them small; eighteen rubies of remarkable brilliancy; three hundred and ten emeralds, all very beautiful; and twenty-one sapphires, with an opal.  These stones had all been broken from their settings and thrown loose in the chest.  The settings themselves, which we picked out from among the other gold, appeared to have been beaten

Project Gutenberg
Short Stories for English Courses from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.