Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Winston Churchill eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 6,366 pages of information about Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Winston Churchill.

Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Winston Churchill eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 6,366 pages of information about Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Winston Churchill.

In the other corner, by the writing-desk, stood the hatter and the haberdasher with their heads together.  And in the very centre of the confusion was the captain himself.  He was drest in his new clothes Davenport had brought, and surprised me by his changed appearance, and looked as fine a gentleman as any I have ever seen.  His face lighted with relief at sight of me.

“Now may I tell these rogues begone, Richard?” he cried.  And turning to the man confronting me, he added, “This gentleman will settle their beggarly accounts.”

Then I knew we had to do with bailiffs, and my heart failed me.

“Likely,” laughed the big man; “I’ll stake my oath he has not a groat to pay their beggarly accounts, as year honour is pleased to call them.”

They ceased jabbering and straightened to attention, awaiting my reply.  But I forgot them all, and thought only of the captain, and of the trouble I had brought him.  He began to show some consternation as I went up to him.

“My dear friend,” I said, vainly trying to steady my voice, “I beg, I pray that you will not lose faith in me,—­that you will not think any deceit of mine has brought you to these straits.  Mr. Dix did not know me, and has had no word from my grandfather of my disappearance.  And Mr. Manners, whom I thought my friend, spurned me in the street before the Duke of Chartersea.”

And no longer master of myself, I sat down at the table and hid my face, shaken by great sobs, to think that this was my return for his kindness.

“What,” I heard him cry, “Mr. Manners spurned you, Richard!  By all the law in Coke and Littleton, he shall answer for it to me.  Your fairweather fowl shall have the chance to run me through!”

I sat up in bewilderment, doubting my senses.

“You believe me, captain,” I said, overcome by the man’s faith; “you believe me when I tell you that one I have known from childhood refused to recognize me to-day?”

He raised me in his arms as tenderly as a woman might.

“And the whole world denied you, lad, I would not.  I believe you—­” and he repeated it again and again, unable to get farther.

And if his words brought tears to my eyes, my strength came with them.

“Then I care not,” I replied; “I only to live to reward you.”

“Mr. Manners shall answer for it to me!” cried John Paul again, and made a pace toward the door.

“Not so fast, not so fast, captain, or admiral, or whatever you are,” said the bailiff, stepping in his way, for he was used to such scenes; “as God reigns, the owners of all these fierce titles be fire-eaters, who would spit you if you spilt snuff upon ’em.  Come, come, gentlemen, your swords, and we shall see the sights o’ London.”

Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Winston Churchill from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.