A Footnote to History eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 221 pages of information about A Footnote to History.

A Footnote to History eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 221 pages of information about A Footnote to History.

Becker sought and missed an instant revenge.  Mataafa, a devout Catholic, was in the habit of walking every morning to mass from his camp at Vaiala beyond Matautu to the mission at the Mulivai.  He was sometimes escorted by as many as six guards in uniform, who displayed their proficiency in drill by perpetually shifting arms as they marched.  Himself, meanwhile, paced in front, bareheaded and barefoot, a staff in his hand, in the customary chief’s dress of white kilt, shirt, and jacket, and with a conspicuous rosary about his neck.  Tall but not heavy, with eager eyes and a marked appearance of courage and capacity, Mataafa makes an admirable figure in the eyes of Europeans; to those of his countrymen, he may seem not always to preserve that quiescence of manner which is thought becoming in the great.  On the morning of October 16th he reached the mission before day with two attendants, heard mass, had coffee with the fathers, and left again in safety.  The smallness of his following we may suppose to have been reported.  He was scarce gone, at least, before Becker had armed men at the mission gate and came in person seeking him.

The failure of this attempt doubtless still further exasperated the consul, and he began to deal as in an enemy’s country.  He had marines from the Adler to stand sentry over the consulate and parade the streets by threes and fours.  The bridge of the Vaisingano, which cuts in half the English and American quarters, he closed by proclamation and advertised for tenders to demolish it.  On the 17th Leary and Pelly landed carpenters and repaired it in his teeth.  Leary, besides, had marines under arms, ready to land them if it should be necessary to protect the work.  But Becker looked on without interference, perhaps glad enough to have the bridge repaired; for even Becker may not always have offended intentionally.  Such was now the distracted posture of the little town:  all government extinct, the German consul patrolling it with armed men and issuing proclamations like a ruler, the two other Powers defying his commands, and at least one of them prepared to use force in the defiance.  Close on its skirts sat the warriors of Mataafa, perhaps four thousand strong, highly incensed against the Germans, having all to gain in the seizure of the town and firm, and, like an army in a fairy tale, restrained by the air-drawn boundary of the neutral ground.

I have had occasion to refer to the strange appearance in these islands of an American adventurer with a battery of cannon.  The adventurer was long since gone, but his guns remained, and one of them was now to make fresh history.  It had been cast overboard by Brandeis on the outer reef in the course of this retreat; and word of it coming to the ears of the Mataafas, they thought it natural that they should serve themselves the heirs of Tamasese.  On the 23rd a Manono boat of the kind called taumualua dropped down the coast from Mataafa’s camp, called

Project Gutenberg
A Footnote to History from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.