A Footnote to History eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 221 pages of information about A Footnote to History.

A Footnote to History eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 221 pages of information about A Footnote to History.

In the face of bitter native opposition, he got some roads accomplished.  He set up beacons.  The taxes he enforced with necessary vigour.  By the 6th of January, Aua and Fangatonga, districts in Tutuila, having made a difficulty, Brandeis is down at the island in a schooner, with the Adler at his heels, seizes the chief Maunga, fines the recalcitrant districts in three hundred dollars for expenses, and orders all to be in by April 20th, which if it is not, “not one thing will be done,” he proclaimed, “but war declared against you, and the principal chiefs taken to a distant island.”  He forbade mortgages of copra, a frequent source of trickery and quarrel; and to clear off those already contracted, passed a severe but salutary law.  Each individual or family was first to pay off its own obligation; that settled, the free man was to pay for the indebted village, the free village for the indebted province, and one island for another.  Samoa, he declared, should be free of debt within a year.  Had he given it three years, and gone more gently, I believe it might have been accomplished.  To make it the more possible, he sought to interdict the natives from buying cotton stuffs and to oblige them to dress (at least for the time) in their own tapa.  He laid the beginnings of a royal territorial army.  The first draft was in his hands drilling.  But it was not so much on drill that he depended; it was his hope to kindle in these men an esprit de corps, which should weaken the old local jealousies and bonds, and found a central or national party in the islands.  Looking far before, and with a wisdom beyond that of many merchants, he had condemned the single dependence placed on copra for the national livelihood.  His recruits, even as they drilled, were taught to plant cacao.  Each, his term of active service finished, should return to his own land and plant and cultivate a stipulated area.  Thus, as the young men continued to pass through the army, habits of discipline and industry, a central sentiment, the principles of the new culture, and actual gardens of cacao, should be concurrently spread over the face of the islands.

Tamasese received, including his household expenses, 1960 dollars a year; Brandeis, 2400.  All such disproportions are regrettable, but this is not extreme:  we have seen horses of a different colour since then.  And the Tamaseseites, with true Samoan ostentation, offered to increase the salary of their white premier:  an offer he had the wisdom and good feeling to refuse.  A European chief of police received twelve hundred.  There were eight head judges, one to each province, and appeal lay from the district judge to the provincial, thence to Mulinuu.  From all salaries (I gather) a small monthly guarantee was withheld.  The army was to cost from three to four thousand, Apia (many whites refusing to pay taxes since the suppression of the municipality) might cost three thousand more:  Sir Becker’s high feat of arms coming expensive (it will be noticed) even in money.  The whole outlay was estimated at twenty-seven thousand; and the revenue forty thousand:  a sum Samoa is well able to pay.

Project Gutenberg
A Footnote to History from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.