A Footnote to History eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 221 pages of information about A Footnote to History.

A Footnote to History eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 221 pages of information about A Footnote to History.
and the paper was signed, but not without open sullenness.  The bearing of Mataafa in particular was long remembered against him by the Germans.  “Do you not see the king?” said the commodore reprovingly.  “His father was no king,” was the bold answer.  A bolder still has been printed, but this is Mataafa’s own recollection of the passage.  On the next day, the chiefs were all ordered back to shake hands with Tamasese.  Again they obeyed; but again their attitude was menacing, and some, it is said, audibly murmured as they gave their hands.

It is time to follow the poor Sheet of Paper (literal meaning of Laupepa), who was now to be blown so broadly over the face of earth.  As soon as news reached him of the declaration of war, he fled from Afenga to Tanungamanono, a hamlet in the bush, about a mile and a half behind Apia, where he lurked some days.  On the 24th, Selu, his secretary, despatched to the American consul an anxious appeal, his majesty’s “cry and prayer” in behalf of “this weak people.”  By August 30th, the Germans had word of his lurking-place, surrounded the hamlet under cloud of night, and in the early morning burst with a force of sailors on the houses.  The people fled on all sides, and were fired upon.  One boy was shot in the hand, the first blood of the war.  But the king was nowhere to be found; he had wandered farther, over the woody mountains, the backbone of the land, towards Siumu and Safata.  Here, in a safe place, he built himself a town in the forest, where he received a continual stream of visitors and messengers.  Day after day the German blue-jackets were employed in the hopeless enterprise of beating the forests for the fugitive; day after day they were suffered to pass unhurt under the guns of ambushed Samoans; day after day they returned, exhausted and disappointed, to Apia.  Seumanu Tafa, high chief of Apia, was known to be in the forest with the king; his wife, Fatuila, was seized, imprisoned in the German hospital, and when it was thought her spirit was sufficiently reduced, brought up for cross-examination.  The wise lady confined herself in answer to a single word.  “Is your husband near Apia?” “Yes.”  “Is he far from Apia?” “Yes.”  “Is he with the king?” “Yes.”  “Are he and the king in different places?” “Yes.”  Whereupon the witness was discharged.  About the 10th of September, Laupepa was secretly in Apia at the American consulate with two companions.  The German pickets were close set and visited by a strong patrol; and on his return, his party was observed and hailed and fired on by a sentry.  They ran away on all fours in the dark, and so doing plumped upon another sentry, whom Laupepa grappled and flung in a ditch; for the Sheet of Paper, although infirm of character, is, like most Samoans, of an able body.  The second sentry (like the first) fired after his assailants at random in the dark; and the two shots awoke the curiosity of Apia.  On the afternoon of the 16th, the day

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A Footnote to History from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.