Guy Mannering, Or, the Astrologer — Volume 01 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 327 pages of information about Guy Mannering, Or, the Astrologer — Volume 01.

Guy Mannering, Or, the Astrologer — Volume 01 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 327 pages of information about Guy Mannering, Or, the Astrologer — Volume 01.
sugar. mutchkin, a measure equal to an English pint.
na, nae, no. nane, none. nathless, nevertheless. needna, need not. nice, simple. now, the, at once.
odd-come-shortly, chance time not far in the future. ony, any. or, ere. orra, odd, occasional. orra time, occasionally. o’t, of it. out, out in rebellion. out of house and hauld, destitute. outcast, a falling out, a quarrel. ower, over. owt, the exterior, out.
paiks, punishment. parritch, oatmeal porridge. peat-hag, a bog. penny-stane, a stone quoit. periapts, amulets. pike, pick. pinners, a headdress. pirn, a reel. pit, put. plash, splash. plough-gate of land, land that can be tilled with one plough. pock, a pouch, a bag. poinded, impounded. poschay, a post-chaise. pouches, pockets. pow, the head. powny, a pony. preceese, exact. precentor, a leader of congregational singing. prin, a pin. puir, poor.

 quean, a young woman, a wench.

 rade, rode.
 ramble, a spree.
 rampauging, raging.
 randle-tree, a horizontal bar across a chimney, on which
  pot-hooks are hung; sometimes used as an opprobrious epithet.
 randy, wild.
 ranging and riping, scouring and searching.
 rape, rope.
 rasp-house, a custom-house.
 red cock craw, kindle a fire.
 redding-straik, a blow received when trying to separate
 reek, smoke.
 reif and wear, robbery and injury.
 reise, a bough.
 reist, smoke.
 reiver, a robber.
 retour, return of a writ.
 rin, run.
 ripe, search.
 rive, rend, rob.
 rotten, rottan, a rat.
 roup, an auction.
 roupit, sold at auction.
 routing, snoring, bellowing.
 rubbit, robbed.
 rump and dozen, meat and drink, a good dinner.
 run goods, smuggled goods.

sack, sackcloth. sae, so. saft, soft. sain, bless. sair, sore. sail, shall. samyn, the same. sang, song. sark, a shirt. saugh, a willow tree. saul, soul. saut, salt. sax, six. scaff-raff, riff raff. scart, scratched, written on. schnaps, a dram of liquor. scones, flat round cakes. scouring the cramp-ring, said metaphorically for being
     thrown into fetters or, generally, into prison.
screed o’ drink, a drinking bout. sell’d, sold. semple, simple, poor people. shake-rag, a tatterdemalion. shanks, legs. shealing, sheiling, a shed, a hut. shear, cut. sherra, a sheriff. shoeing-horn, something that leads to more drinking. shoon, shoes. shouther, a shoulder. sic, so, such. siclike, such. siller, money. sinsyne, since. skeel, a bucket, a tub. slack, a hollow, a morass. slap, a breach. sleepery, sleepy. slow-hund, a sleuth hound. sma’, small. smack, smaik, a rogue, a low wretch. snaw, snow. soup o’ drink, a spoonful. souple, a cudgel. spae, foretell. speir, ask. sprug, a sparrow. spunk, a spark. start, betray. stell, a stall, a covert. stickit, stopped, hindered. stir your gear, disturb your goods. stark, a heifer, a bullock. stiver, a small Dutch
Project Gutenberg
Guy Mannering, Or, the Astrologer — Volume 01 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.