The Story Girl eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 344 pages of information about The Story Girl.

The Story Girl eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 344 pages of information about The Story Girl.

The Story Girl and Peter went humbly home and we went with them.

“I CAN’T understand grown-up people,” said Felix despairingly.  “When Uncle Edward preached sermons it was all right, but when we do it it is ‘making a jest of sacred things.’  And I heard Uncle Alec tell a story once about being nearly frightened to death when he was a little boy, by a minister preaching on the end of the world; and he said, ’That was something like a sermon.  You don’t hear such sermons nowadays.’  But when Peter preaches just such a sermon, it’s a very different story.”

“It’s no wonder we can’t understand the grown-ups,” said the Story Girl indignantly, “because we’ve never been grown-up ourselves.  But THEY have been children, and I don’t see why they can’t understand us.  Of course, perhaps we shouldn’t have had the contest on Sundays.  But all the same I think it’s mean of Uncle Alec to be so cross.  Oh, I do hope poor Sara won’t have to be taken to the asylum.”

Poor Sara did not have to be.  She was eventually quieted down, and was as well as usual the next day; and she humbly begged Peter’s pardon for spoiling his sermon.  Peter granted it rather grumpily, and I fear that he never really quite forgave Sara for her untimely outburst.  Felix, too, felt resentment against her, because he had lost the chance of preaching his sermon.

“Of course I know I wouldn’t have got the prize, for I couldn’t have made such an impression as Peter,” he said to us mournfully, “but I’d like to have had a chance to show what I could do.  That’s what comes of having those cry-baby girls mixed up in things.  Cecily was just as scared as Sara Ray, but she’d more sense than to show it like that.”

“Well, Sara couldn’t help it,” said the Story Girl charitably, “but it does seem as if we’d had dreadful luck in everything we’ve tried lately.  I thought of a new game this morning, but I’m almost afraid to mention it, for I suppose something dreadful will come of it, too.”

“Oh, tell us, what is it?” everybody entreated.

“Well, it’s a trial by ordeal, and we’re to see which of us can pass it.  The ordeal is to eat one of the bitter apples in big mouthfuls without making a single face.”

Dan made a face to begin with.

“I don’t believe any of us can do that,” he said.

“YOU can’t, if you take bites big enough to fill your mouth,” giggled Felicity, with cruelty and without provocation.

“Well, maybe you could,” retorted Dan sarcastically.  “You’d be so afraid of spoiling your looks that you’d rather die than make a face, I s’pose, no matter what you et.”

“Felicity makes enough faces when there’s nothing to make faces at,” said Felix, who had been grimaced at over the breakfast table that morning and hadn’t liked it.

“I think the bitter apples would be real good for Felix,” said Felicity.  “They say sour things make people thin.”

Project Gutenberg
The Story Girl from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.