Further Chronicles of Avonlea eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 264 pages of information about Further Chronicles of Avonlea.

Further Chronicles of Avonlea eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 264 pages of information about Further Chronicles of Avonlea.

I ran over to Orchard Slope and asked Diana to come over and examine the trunk with me.  I hadn’t received any instructions about keeping its contents secret and I knew Miss Emily wouldn’t mind Diana knowing about them, whatever they were.

It was a cool, gray afternoon and we got back to Green Gables just as the rain was beginning to fall.  When we went up to my room the wind was rising and whistling through the boughs of the big old Snow Queen outside of my window.  Diana was excited, and, I really believe, a little bit frightened.

We opened the old trunk.  It was very small, and there was nothing in it but a big cardboard box.  The box was tied up and the knots sealed with wax.  We lifted it out and untied it.  I touched Diana’s fingers as we did it, and both of us exclaimed at once, “How cold your hand is!”

In the box was a quaint, pretty, old-fashioned gown, not at all faded, made of blue muslin, with a little darker blue flower in it.  Under it we found a sash, a yellowed feather fan, and an envelope full of withered flowers.  At the bottom of the box was a little brown book.

It was small and thin, like a girl’s exercise book, with leaves that had once been blue and pink, but were now quite faded, and stained in places.  On the fly leaf was written, in a very delicate hand, “Emily Margaret Leith,” and the same writing covered the first few pages of the book.  The rest were not written on at all.  We sat there on the floor, Diana and I, and read the little book together, while the rain thudded against the window panes.

June 19, 18—­

I came to-day to spend a while with Aunt Margaret in Charlottetown.  It is so pretty here, where she lives—­and ever so much nicer than on the farm at home.  I have no cows to milk here or pigs to feed.  Aunt Margaret has given me such a lovely blue muslin dress, and I am to have it made to wear at a garden party out at Brighton next week.  I never had a muslin dress before—­nothing but ugly prints and dark woolens.  I wish we were rich, like Aunt Margaret.  Aunt Margaret laughed when I said this, and declared she would give all her wealth for my youth and beauty and light-heartedness.  I am only eighteen and I know I am very merry but I wonder if I am really pretty.  It seems to me that I am when I look in Aunt Margaret’s beautiful mirrors.  They make me look very different from the old cracked one in my room at home which always twisted my face and turned me green.  But Aunt Margaret spoiled her compliment by telling me I look exactly as she did at my age.  If I thought I’d ever look as Aunt Margaret does now, I don’t know what I’d do.  She is so fat and red.

June 29.

Project Gutenberg
Further Chronicles of Avonlea from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.